Wearing a skirt

Why would Beatrice wear a skirt to kill bill? She knew she would have to fight him. Wouldn't wearing a skirt just hinder her fighting abilities.


She knew she would win. Also she wanted to look good.


Also she wanted to look good
Good point. She didn't know about B.B. at that point and probably wanted to mess with his head.

It's the kung pao! George likes his chicken spicy.


cause it's Uma Thurman in a skirt ; )


She was always stylish.

I don't think the skirt would stop her that much. It was a pretty "flowy" skirt, so it'd probably move just fine.

Also, the martial arts displayed by the DVAS and their peers are pretty impossible stuff. I'm guessing the mobility drop while wearing a skirt would be like wearing thick rings while playing piano. If you're Mozart, they're not going to slow you down that much.
