MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Discussion > "I mourned you for 3 months, and on the ...

"I mourned you for 3 months, and on the 3rd month.." makes no sense

Well, you can see from the topic how it makes no sense - if he mourned her for THREE months, then how can he track her down on the THIRD month?

I mean, even if it's the last day of that third month, surely he STOPPED mourning for her once he found her and saw that she's alive, right? This means he could NOT have logically have both MOURNED her for three months _AND_ stopped mourning DURING THE THIRD MONTH!

If he had said 'fourth' month, it would've made sense.

Now, Bill is kind of inebriated in this scene, so maybe he just had a mental error there, but it still makes no sense for him to say that, and if that's all it was, then it makes no sense that Kiddo doesn't say anything about it.

Mental game is so important when you're trying to defeat someone, this would've been a big and valuable opportunity to defeat him emotionally by embarrassing him and making him doubt his faculties and whatnot (even Bruce Lee mentioned in one of his books how embarrassing your opponent can be useful in a fight)..

This means, that particular scene makes no sense, no matter how you slice it (no pun intended).

Just something I have to add - I ABSOLUTELY hate how Bill, this super-efficient leader of a very skilled and knowledgeable, talented assassin group, DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO STORE KATANA SWORDS PROPERLY!

How the HECK would this character _EVER_ make a mistake like that? Because it 'looks cool', he would ruin his katana by storing it upside down?

How can Vol. 01 show us Hattori Hanzo (not gonna bother with the name stuff right now) with a wall filled with CORRECTLY stored katanas, that are perfectly positioned, and then Vol. 02 makes the most american, the stupidest mistake you see all over the place (*coughTheOffice*cough*) repeated yet again, when they ALREADY showed us how it's done correctly?

So these movies do it both correctly and incorrectly, and THAT doesn't make sense, either. Sure, some weeb that orders a katana without understanding anything except how to watch anime, might store a katana with the blade down so it dulls every second it's there, but The Leader of an assassin group that consist of people that have those katanas and have training to use them..

.. SHOULD NEVER make such a rookie mistake! I wish they could've made Bill make sense on some level, at least.

BTW, Bill is wrong about Superman, at least slightly - Superman is NOT 'born as Superman', and when he wakes up, he's NOT Superman!

Superman was born as Kal-El, a Kryptonian, and THAT (if anything like that) is what he is every morning he wakes up.

Clark Kent is also NOT his own creation, so it CAN'T be his critique on human race - it's the Kent family name that adopted him, and as far as I know, even 'Clark' is given to him by the foster parents. It's even possible the parents taught him to behave in a nerdy way to create contrast to his super powerful real self, so no one could guess who he really is. There are so many factors here Bill doesn't even consider.

Kal El = his real, true identity (sort of)

Clark Kent = his family name and practicality-forced behaviour style (false identity, but 'official one')

Superman = the world's viewpoint to him, also quite false, if you think about it - the 'S' doesn't even seem to mean 'Superman', but is some kind of weird family crest from Krypton, so it points to 'Kal-El' every time he wears the supposed 'Superman' uniform.

According to the 1970s movie, the name was even invented by some bimbo reporter, so it's not even official, just something that 'caught on' as a nickname, not ANY real name at all!
