
I know Im gonna have to wait ages to get a reply, but what is the 'chang' that he asks for, at first I thought it may have been something to do with elephants, as that is what is thai for elephant (I believe), but obviously he isnt asking for an elephant.

is it water as thats what he gives him? or alcohol of some sort.

If your'e down with drum and bass show some proof raise the roof


Not ages...I just watched the movie for the 3rd time and checked in here to see what's goin on.

Chang is tea. It could be mixed with goats milk or it could also have some alcohol mixed in it. But the base ingredient is tea.

Edited: I re thought this and now believe Chang is beer. Chai is tea.


Cheers. but it looks clear, atleast I remember it being clear... clear beer haha?
anyways, cheers for the reply.

If you're down with drum and bass show some proof raise the roof


is it water as thats what he gives him? or alcohol of some sort.

If you're talking about Deki's husband, it appeared to be a distilled alcohol that she made in their own still.

If you're talking about Tashi asking for something from his younger brother, then it was wine or other alcohol with some "extra ingredients" that his younger brother put in, seemingly with hallucinogenic effect.


Damn, never thought I'd follow up on this question.
Honestly, it was 11 years ago, vaguely believe it was Delish husband, memory of him and a woman.
