MovieChat Forums > Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2003) Discussion > Ellen and Portia are so adorable it's an...

Ellen and Portia are so adorable it's annoying lol

...and who knew Ellen was taller than Portia? Portia looked so short without the heels lol.

"I pray every single day...for a REVOLUTION!"


I agree. Normally celebrity couples can bite my ass, but I really like Ellen and Portia.


If Ellen calls Portia her wife, what does Portia call Ellen. I thought Portia's appearance was fun. Is Portia as enthusiastic as Ellen? Or is she just more laid back?


what does Portia call Ellen

her wife (obviously) You can help change the world.


I think Ellen's more enthustiastic and excited about it. Always calling Portia her wife and all those things. Portia may seem to people like shy and like someone who doesn't show off her love as much as Ellen does, but if you look closely in their videos or pictures, the way Portia looks at Ellen seems much powerful and how she hugs her, etc. They're both very much in love, I'm so jealous! lol
