MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Michael Madsen = Worst Acting Ever

Michael Madsen = Worst Acting Ever

Yes. The movie is god-awful. One of the worst movies to be released with at least some "named" actors in it.

But Michael Madsen. Oh man. I'm sitting here watching this movie at 2am on a Saturday night simply due to boredom. I was literally yelling/talking to my TV about how POORLY Michael Madsen's acting is in this movie. Each line he delivers seems like he was reading the script to himself for the first time in the comfort of his own home while watching TV, a beer in hand, with his legs propped up on the sofa. It sounded as if a wooden board could have delivered the lines with more skill. Every time he spoke it was as if he was narrarating a story rather than having an actual conversation with the person next to him - which he really never did because conversation dialogue was something this movie had nothing of. But when it did ... hoho ... Michael Madsen shined.

I'm no fan of the guy. Never have been. I don't think he is a good actor ... but good god. I have seen him deliver dialogue better than this. I know the script sucked. But you are an actor, Mike. At least act a bit.

Nice Sword by the way. It really looked cool. Hahahahahahaha. Don't even get me started on sets, props, and costumes. And wtf was with that one guys hair cut? Wasn't this movie set in the old days? I love how perfectly shaven his 2007 haircut/beard were. Glad to see they had electric shavers back in the day.



He didn't cringe in pain or even flinch when the bad guy stabbed him.

*beep* horrible.


That for me summed up Madsen's now classic lazy acting. That he wouldn't even pretend to wince when stabbed in the chest really says it all. He just stares blankly at Old Ben as if he is being offered a candy cane shaped like a lump of *beep*


I LMAO at that part...his expression was like "How do I feel about this sword in my chest?" or "Oh sh!t, was I stabbed just now?"


Yeah he sucks terribly when Tarantino doesn't direct him. Then he is correct.


In the beginning I liked Madsen a lot, especially in The Getaway and Reservoir Dogs and a few others, allthough he was getting worse every movie. Even his role in kill Bill wasn't that great, eventhough the movie was. But when he appeared in Sin City, with only the glasses on, he himself (in the extra's), showed how little he was interested in his role. His voice is always monotoom (is it even an English word?), not much emotion there anymore, pity, he had a few great chances, but it's like he has no fun at his job, I don't know. Pity of this movie, 'cause I love Michele Rodriguez, she's even great in a bad movie, always nice to watch (damn you, Abrahams, for kicking her out of Lost, just because she likes to drink, fight and party, you little *beep* haha, help, fans of Lost here maybe). I hope we see more of Mickey Rourke, instead of Madsen in new movies from the better directors, like Rodriquez,Tarantino, The Coenbrothers etc. 'cause there are a lot more of professionals among them, but these are just an exemple.

You posin' for pictures? Or you gonna pull the trigger? (Crime Story)


WTF, indeed. After seeing both Billy Zane AND Michael Pare in the opening credits, I thought for certain that those two titans of dubious filmographies were going to race each other to the booth to phone this one in.

Little did I suspect Michael Madsen. Good lord.

I mean, bad is bad, but Michael Madsen takes it to that other level. Is he even really acting? There's an argument to be made that he's literally just speaking his lines. And even then, there's several scenes where his dialog looks dubbed! I actually feel bad for the guy who was playing his buddy because you know Michael Madsen got paid more.

Mister Madsen, sir, havest thou no shameth?


thank you!! i'm glad i wasn't the only one to notice his mouth did not quite match the audio, thought i was just being too judgemental or something when they were outside of that place on the other side of that bridge near the end when they were waiting for rayne to show up.
yes, i agree he does seem like he had to intention to put any effort into his performance and that he didn't care about it either... unless that was his acting then all i can say is that he may need a career change.
and how about kingsly? huh? in his last 5 minutes or so in the film, all that he says seemed to be "so be it"... and he REALLY didn't look like he wanted to be there... i almost feel bad for him. but then again, edward norton didn't want to be in the italian job either and he still did a way better job than kingsly in this thing... must be the director lol.

"I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust." - John Bridger


Listen... you have to understand something about acting to understand why Madsen and Kingsley's performances are soooo horrific!

When you act, you have to REALLY put yourself out there. You have to give it your all, because if you don't, you end up looking like Madsen did in this film, BUT the reason why actors "hold back" as Madsen did in this film is because they fear MORE, much more, being seen taking the dialog SERIOUSLY. For example, a young, up and coming actress such as Loken can totally throw herself into the role, because no one is going to make fun of her taking this schlock seriously - she's new and trying to break into the business. However, an actor like Kingsley, who seriously just like PHONED IN his performance, is FAR more afraid of people watching this movie and seeing him REALLY going for it with his lines. He'd MUCH rather that people see him in this tripe totally NOT taking it seriously, so he can say, "Hey, yes, I did the movie, but I did it for the CASH. Watch me in the movie, I'm barely AWAKE in my performance. Do you seriously think I would GO FOR IT in this CRAP?!"

So, see that is why even though Boll got some talented actors in the movie, he still isn't going to get anything of substance - accidentally - through the actors lifting up the material with their excellent performances. I mean, no doubt, Bloodrayne could have been a MUCH better picture IF the actors would have taken it seriously and put in some good performances, BUT it still would have been CRAP. Sure it would have been much better CRAP, but crap nonetheless.

Actors are NOT going to put themselves out there in a role if they think the director is sh!t, and the movie is sh!t, because they don't want to be laughed at by their peers! They just say, "Yeah, it's sh!t! Look how lousy I did my lines, because I KNOW it's sh!t!"

For actors to really put themselves out there, which is HARD, because you run the risk of looking like a fool, then they have to be VERY confident that the director, the filmmaker's are going to make them look good. NO actor (except some young, up-and-coming actor trying to impress a REAL director [read: not Uwe Boll]) is going to seriously recite the HORRIFIC dialog that was in this film.

Think about it, if you were an actor and you're reading the script and it's total CRAP, and the director is an IDIOT and everyone on the picture is constantly laughing behind his back saying, "This is SH!T, the worst picture I've ever worked on"... so you seriously think that those actors are then going to go out and really get into their character?! Hell NO!

If you ask me, the only SANE people on this movie ARE Madsen and Kingsley BECAUSE they recognize that this is GARBAGE and they dial in their performances in response. The SHAME of it all is that Boll didn't recognize that his actors were EMBARRASSED and ashamed to really emote and draw those performances OUT of them!

A good director has to DRAW OUT good performances from actors. Take Ridley Scott for example, he'll do 20-30 takes of EACH SCENE to get JUST the right performance from an actor, PLUS Scott is a consummate professional who surrounds his performers with top tier personnel and an excellent script.

Take it from me, if an actor feels he or she is on a crap movie that will tank at the box office, there is no WAY they are going to throw themselves into the material and look like a total idiot when it comes out. Madsen and Kingsley KNEW this movie was crap, and they treated it like crap through their performances. Both actors are capable of tour-de-force performances... we know they are capable of doing so, but they aren't going to do it for a schlockmeister!

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


If you ask me, the only SANE people on this movie ARE Madsen and Kingsley BECAUSE they recognize that this is GARBAGE and they dial in their performances in response. The SHAME of it all is that Boll didn't recognize that his actors were EMBARRASSED and ashamed to really emote and draw those performances OUT of them!

Thats utterly retarted. Who forced them to be in it? If an actor gives a deliberately bad performance, THEY are to blame for choosing to be in it for the cash, not the other way around. If there gonna be that image concious and at least try to ham it up or have fun with it, instead of sleep walking like madsen and kingsley did, then there the ones to blame. They do have a choice ya know.


Thats utterly retarted.

OMG... the irony.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Really though, Madsen was drunk during most of production. Boll himself said this during an interview.

And it shows.


I don't blame him a bit, I'd be drunk too if I had to be in a Boll picture.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


His voice is always monotoom (is it even an English word?)

I believe the word you're looking for is monotone ;)

Anyways, yes Madsen was apparently steaming drunk everytime he showed up on set, which also explains his god awful movement and choreography with a sword, notice how during sword fights they used quick edits and cuts? that's because the movement was so *beep* they tried to hide it. Although it's been mentioned already that scene where he gets stabbed is actually the funniest bit in the film, he gets run through with a large blade and he just kinda kneels there going "yeah whatever" lol. Kingsley wasn't much better though, he ran through his cliched terrible dialogue ("give me the heart or else") with such an uninterested drone in his voice, plus did anyone notice that he would sometimes read two bits of dialogue really quickly so that it would read out as one line? it's almost like he wanted to shoot his scenes and get out as quick as he could.

The only people in the movie who seemed to care about their roles were Loken and Rodriguez.


Again, I don't blame any of them. I'd be drunk too.

Here's the thing. If the performances were coming out horrible, isn't that the responsibility of the director to say, "Hey, wait, this sucks"?

There is no doubt that the people in this film took the money, tried to get through it as quickly as they could and LEAVE. Some people needed to get drunk to get through it. I completely sympathize.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


If anyone on here turned up to work drunk they'd be fired on the spot. Why should actors be any different? If I was the producer of this movie paying wages to Madsen and Kingsley I'd have demanded my money back. You can't just turn up and go through the motions just because you think the movie sucks. And if you think the movie sucks why the hell agree to be in the thing in the first place?!I am under no illusions about the "work" of Uwe Boll, but surely if I know his reputation so do the agents of Madsen and Kingsley. And if the Producers were stupid enough to drive a truckload of money to their front doors, enough to persuade them to do it, and not ask for that truckload of money back, then more fool them.Madsen and Kingsley, hang your heads.Beware the moon...........


Ben Kingsley handed in a career low point performance in "BloodRayne", as well.

Sincerely, yahmez the mad.


I really like Madsen but he was not good in this film.


Compared to Madsen, Kristanna Loken was Meryl Streep and Michelle Rodriguez was Katharine Hepburn. That's how pitifully bad his performance was. I don't think any of us could have done any worse, frankly.

As for the defense of the performances of both Madsen and Kingley (to be fair, at least Sir Ben tries a little here), there is none. If you sign a contract in good faith, then you should show up and do a professional job. Period. After BloodRayne, why any director would have hired Madsen is beyond me. Actors like Vincent Price or Charles Laughton would ham it up a bit if they were handed a bad script - at least you're still getting an entertaining performance there. With Madsen in this film, however, all you're getting is a feces sandwich.

No blah, blah, blah!


Sorry, but Kingsley looked like he was embarrassed to be in this movie. As well he should have been. He didn't try, he sleep-walked through the role. I don't think he changed expression once throughout the whole mess of a movie.

I suspect he, Chaplin, Zane, and Meat Loaf were in it only for the quick bucks, and were needed only for a day or two each, since their scenes were brief.

Madsen is pretty much a one-tone actor, best suited for more modern, tough-guy roles. Watching him recite the lame lines written for him was painful indeed. I about fell out of my chair when he said, "A fight they will get". Who writes this badly? But as far as that goes, all the dialogue was laughable. Did the writer(s) think that if people didn't use contractions ("I will" instead of "I'll", and so forth), that would give the film some historical or fantasy/adventure credibility? No, it just made a bad film worse.

My question, among many, many others regarding this utterly horrid movie, is, with the budget they had, couldn't they find remotely believable wigs for Meat Loaf and Billy Zane to wear? They looked ridiculous.

This movie is so bad it makes the "Twilight" films look like Oscar contenders.


He was totally drunken all the time on the set, Ben Kingsley refused to act with him in scenes and Kristinna Lokken was scared. But Uwe did not had the money to change him with another actor as this would have stopped the production for 2 weeks.
