MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > why do people dislike this film?

why do people dislike this film?

I saw this today on the Sci Fi channel and thought it was quite entertaining. It's not Academy Award material but so what? It was no worse than "Chronicles of Riddick." I thought the ending was poor but otherwise, it was a fun romp. I thought the actors did ok except Michael Madsen was miscast. I especially liked the strong female characters.



This film has a very good cast and special effects. The acting is good and it's just a fun vampire flick. What are people expecting, Gone With The Wind!

Not the best film in the world but I liked it.


I saw it for the first time last night, and yes, I agree - M. Madsen (i am a fan) was miscast....didn't work at all, but the rest of it was just cheesy fun.....gawd, it's like everyone on these boards is looking for a)Oscar material or, more likely b)something to was entertaining.....

vc :)


You seriously don't know? It gets so much hate because Uwe Boll directed it, plain and simple. He became a pop icon among gamers, and has his movies rated down before they even come out.

No one could seriously argue that this, or "Alone in the Dark", are the worst movies of all time (they're not very good, but I see worse on cable tv everyday), yet many will tell you so, because that will show you that they are "in the know". Hating Uwe Boll is as fashionable as loving "Nightmare before Christmas", to give an example. Sometimes it's not just about the movies.


BloodRayne is the worst movie Ive ever seen, one out of only 5 movies Ive given a 1 rating. I picked it by chance (unlucky) in the videostore and had absolutely no expectations to it. I didnt know who Uwe Boll was, and I absolutely hated the movie. The acting, the action, the story, the characters, everything was awful, and not one single scene could make me give it a 2 instead. This was ALL about the movie.



I enjoyed the Giantbomb video, although the version I have on DVD is A) nowhere near that violent, seriously, I didn't know there was some uncut version of it available, and B) doesn't end with a tacky montage – it ends with the classier fade to black. What gives?

Anyway, I disagree with the guy on one point; it's not the worst of Boll's video game adaptations - in fact, compared to the awfulness of House of the Dead and the crippling mediocrity of Alone in the Dark, it plays like [insert highly-regarded cinematic masterwork here].


First of all, the acting was sub-par at best; since the leads are all good actors, this is the director's fault (those familiar with Uwe Boll can vouch for his consistent suckiness). The ending was lame (the entire final fight was sad).

Here's a general tip: when a movie has that much gratuitous nudity (like in the fat vamp-king's home), they are seriously trying to compensate for something, and it really never works!

So, long and short, it's horrible. My sympathy to the actors who had to be in it.


Much like '80's horror movies, it was really bad. But I also really liked it. They could have picked an actress that passed the pencil test for the sex scene though...

~I can hear his beard!!~
