michelle rodrigues

she should have hired a speech coach.. her accent she's trying to mimick is ridiculous.


That's her real accent.


It's NOT her real accent. She was trying to sound British. For some unaccountable reason. I don't know WHAT she's doing in Hollywood, she's ugly and talentless.

"I never knew magic crazy as this"
Nick Drake
19/06/1948 – 25/11/1974


i totally agree.
lets c, she was in girl fight i know but i never saw that nor did i c blue crush.
so i first saw her in fast and the furious, but her part in that wasnt big enough to determine her acting capabilities.
so then came swat, and that i didnt think was too bad of a movie but again couldnt really tell, she didnt seem too great but it was hard to tell.
and then came lost and ive seen some of her other work.

now to me she comes across as an obnoxious talentless wanna-be-good-but-never-will-be actress.
i now cannot stand her, i have watched lost and when she comes on it turns me off on tht show right way
i thought she was a bad addition to bloodrayne which was already suffering from the poor directing.

well, thats my piece.


Thanks Mike, some-one who doesn't think with his crotch. :)

"I never knew magic crazy as this"
Nick Drake
19/06/1948 – 25/11/1974



crap in Resident Evil
crap in Fast & the Furious
stopped watching lost 1/3 of the way into second series

she destroyed it for me

SWAT - One of the worst movies I,ve ever sat through, that was only because I'd hired it and Peter Pan to watch with my mom on a friday night


Michelle Rodriguez.

She's funny. She always looks like a bitch and have that pissed off look on her face. I hope she continues to get into trouble so she can eventually disappear off the face of hollywood.

What's even funnier is that this chick loves to go to jail, well I hope she stays there for good. If she loves it so much. She might as well move in.


It's true. In IMDB, you become a celebrity, you're GAY. It's the f-ng truth. GET A LIFE DAMMIT.


You know, this is gonna cause controversy on this thread and that honestly isn’t my intention, but I think Michelle Rodriguez is fantastic. Now I’m not blind to the fact that she only holds one card in her deck when it comes to acting (although I’m not hard to please and I find some of her roles entertaining) but I think she has a great mind and an intriguing perspective. Yes she does gets into trouble but come on she’s young, she’s loaded and she’s famous and I’m not going to judge her too harshly on that. Most people aren’t angels but when your in the spotlight everything is amplified. It’s unlikely but if you have ever seen her in interview you will know that she doesn’t appear to be fake, she says what’s on her mind, she’s articulate and is actually quite insightful. Believe me or don’t that’s just the impression I’ve gotten from her, rather than some tabloid newspaper.

Now you can flame me all you want but I’ve said my piece and I stand by it.

Bored Now


That's fine, it's your opinion and that can be respected even though I don't agree. No need to flame. *beep*
