MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > The REAL issue with this film, and Uwe B...

The REAL issue with this film, and Uwe Boll.

I watched the unrated cut last night for the first time, and just like every other uwe boll film Ive seen, it was a mess! I realized that it all boils down to the director and exactly how he takes a good concept and completely RUINS it!

A good director does alot more than hold a camera and film what he sees. A good director actually directs his cast, and knows the difference between a good performance and a poor one. Uwe obviously has no clue what a good performance looks like, because he includes scenes that clearly show the boredom of the actors, and their lack of enthusiasm.

A good director lets the action speak for itself. He builds the anticipation, and delivers the goods with some POW! Clearly, Bloodrayne suffers from any impact on the action scenes. The gory effects were pretty good, but never once do you get that pumped up feeling you should have when a big battle is taking place. Instead, Uwe resorts to fast cuts, edits and camera movements to over stylize the action, which leaves no connection with whats on screen. Instead, you find yourself waiting for it to end instead of yearning for more.

A good director would want the audience to connect with the charactors. Even if this wasnt the case with the script, the director should have stepped in and demanded a little more back story. There was no connection with any of the cast, as the cheaply shot flashbacks did little more than add to the gore of the film. When pivotal charactors died, I found myself not caring one minute about them. I especially found it difficult to see why Rayne herself would care about the douchebag who she boned once, right after giving him crap about not being able to relate to her situation, and only spent about 5 mins total screen time with. Her tears were so phony and unrealistic(in charactor) that it totally ruined any emotional stance whatsoever. I could care less about drama in an action film, but to include such a scene demands proper care and direction. Uwe boll just cannot handle such a task, period.

These reasons listed above are what make Uwe Boll the worst director of all time. Even worse than Ed Wood, who at least directed a B-movie from a B-script. See, this is what is so frustrating about Uwe Boll. He takes something that could be really fantastic, and ruins it with his terrible DIRECTION.

For those who think Im some movie snob, better think again. I can easily dumb myself down to enjoy the best B movies out there. The BIG problem is that these films were NOT intended to be "B movies", especially Bloodrayne with such a talented screenwriter as Turner. This film could have been so much better, and the FACT that it was UWE BOLL who ruined its chances makes it that more upsetting. Anyone agree with me?


I do. You nailed it man!

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-This is control. Do you copy?


I pretty much agree with you. It's not just Boll as a director either, just read the Alone in the Dark trivia- he refused a script for the movie because it didn't "have enough car chases."

And I know I'm valid to judge Uwe Boll because I'm one of the easiest guys to please when it comes to movies, and I still hate his work. Yes, I like my There Will Be Blood's and my Silence of the Lambs's and my A Face in the Crowd's. But in the same day that I watch one of those, I could also watch Mummy 3, Rush Hour or Kung Pow: Enter the Fist and have a perfectly good time. I'm just very easy to please- even though I do appreciate quality, I can also have fun with the fluff-films. But thus far, I've only seen one tolerable Uwe Boll film (Heart of America) and it wasn't even a great movie, it was just "pretty good."

I think he needs to take some time off, do some studying about filmmaking, and try something that is slower and more thought-out. HoA was decent, there's no reason he couldn't make another halfway-decent flick, as opposed to all the generic crap he pumped out after that.
