Where were all the nazi's?
This movies dumb, they should off called it *beep* vampire movie" since it has very little to do with the game. The only good part in it was Meatloaf but they killed him off before he could sing a kick ass song.
Everyone had dumb hair to, Michael Madsen looked like a tubby Paul Stanley who could barely hold a sword. And that guy that slept with Rayne had a mullet.
That sex scene was dumb to. I felt really awekward watching it. Not like watching a porno with your parents awekward, just awekward watching them fumble through it.
There are other things that are *beep* about this movie but I'm sure other people will post them.


There's no Nazis because it's a prequel. I'm surprised at how many people like me who hate most video game movies that aren't that smart. It's insulting to the rest of us.
