MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Boll promises to stop making Movies.

Boll promises to stop making Movies.

If this petition gets a million signatures Boll promises to stop making Movies.
Spread the word!!!

PS: Uwe Boll's response is absolutely amazing! He says, that he is a genius!


The man is a genius, you just do not understand

There's enough feces here to chase a coprophiliac from their desires.


BlackAdderTheSecond (Wed Apr 9 2008 21:47:59) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

The man is a genius, you just do not understand

There's enough feces here to chase a coprophiliac from their desires.

You're Right I Don't Understand! LOL!


I saw this petition making the rounds and thought it was slightly amusing. Now that I have just been victimized by being suckered into wasting 90 minutes of "BloodRayne", I am not laughing now. Uwe Boll should be hung upside down and bleed slowly from his neck until the skin of his corpse is translucent for unleashing this horrendous film on us!

Barack Obama 2008!!!
