Uwe Boll is a genius

You Uwe haters just don't understand the complexity and brilliance of this great director

Improved bowel movement? ParafFun!


You know, I kinda think he might be a genius, if only an evil one. His films are total crap, but hey, people are paying to see them and continue to talk about them.

If you fudgin' touch me again I'll fudgin' kill you. -Dean Winchester


yes, he is a genius in a stupid and untalented sort of way


You lack the intelligence to fully appreciate this great artist, maybe you missed a few grades of school or rode the short bus too long.

There's enough feces here to chase a coprophiliac from their desires.


In what way is it smart to hire the best actress to play a character and then change the portrayal of said character?

Hello, Vinny. It's your Uncle Bingo. Time to pay the check!


It is sheer genius fool

There's enough feces here to chase a coprophiliac from their desires.


how so?

Hello, Vinny. It's your Uncle Bingo. Time to pay the check!


Is your sarcasm meter working?

There's enough feces here to chase a coprophiliac from their desires.
