MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Worst movie I have ever seen

Worst movie I have ever seen

This movie is really crap. I think it is pity for famous actors/actresses of this film, I cant believe they play in this *beep* and also it is unbelievable this movie has a second version.


It was bad but I don't think it should be on the bottom 100.


I agree. Poorly executed, written dialogue, and the acting wasn't all that great. It could have been so much better I feel.


it would have never been better because uwe boll can't directed worth a damn

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


You're an idiot. This was a good movie. How Bloodrayne 2 got a better rating, I'll never know. Wait, scratch that, I do know, it's because everyone else is a fuc|<ing moron and I'm the only person on the internet with any good taste.


No one is idiot if they say bloodrayne was the worst movie damn bloodrayne flop at the box office bad and it was out of theaters in a week

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


Holy crap dude you are the idiot if you think BloodRayne was a good movie! You say that you are the only guy on the internet with good taste, then so help us god if you ever decide to make a movie for us to view. Just for future reference dude it is a well known fact that EVERY Uwe Boll-directed film has been a disaster of epic proportions. The man couldn't make a good movie to save his life. EVERY video game company in the known world is actively trying to block Uwe Boll from acquiring the rights to make their video game into movies! The script was horrible! BloodRayne grossed less than 3 million dollars for a reason! It was crap! The 50 million dollars it cost to make would have gotten a better audience turnout if they simply threw it in a big wheelbarrow and lit it on fire!


Dood, this was the worst movie ever. Just give it up. I think your just in it for the t*ts.


i agree i was seriously disappointed and i have no interest in the second bloodrayne. They have nothing to do with the games at all.

if they actually did the story line from bloodrayne2 the video game ..and did it right. i would be waiting for it.


the third film takes place during WW2. For that reason I refuse to watch it.

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ




It's playing on SciFi channel right now, as I'm typing...
As soon as I stop typing, I'm changing the damn channel. I can't believe this made it to theaters. It's worse than half of SciFi's original features, and that's really saying something.


You want more mysterious? I'll just try and think, "Where the hell's the whiskey?"

Long Live DA



Re: Worst movie I have ever seen

Hum...your wrong man, just watch bloodrayne 2 and you will see


I completely agree. worst movie ever. i spent more time laughing at the mullets, the ridiculous dialogue, the aweful lighting, props, and costumes, than i've ever laughed while watching a comedy. her weapons looked like she taped some butter knives to some sticks. and don't even get me started on how bad michael madsen was in this movie.


It was entertaining none the less, a masterpiece? hell no!, but I am entertained by bad films just for the hilarity

Improved bowel movement? ParafFun!


Bad bad movie , bad acting , bad story , bad directing , SAVE your money


I felt like I was watching a high school play when I saw this movie.

"Get busy living, or get busy dieing."


just saw it,what a abomination of a movie,the actors do not even try to say their lines with interest,the weapons looks like they are made from aluminium and even have a blunt point!only good thing about this movie is that you see kristanna token's tit being licked...


I agree. This was the Worst movie I have ever seen.


I give all movies chances.. I love movies! But this one can go to hell & die! ... LOL... I can't believe I rented it. I want my $2.50 back... *sniff*
