
This is a storyline that could have made a brilliant movie in the right hands.


I laughed during quite a few scenes, actually. The ridiculous, painfully slow and ungainly action scenes, the guy getting cut in half at the monestary fight (zomg that was COMEDY!), and leecherous Meat Loaf finger painting some girl's bewb and being all like, "give meeee the eyeeeeee!" at Rayne. Horrible stuff. I tried to fast forward to a better scene. There were none.

I agree this could've been way better in someone else's hands.

I'll buy you flowers... like no other girl did before.


what lone said is why i like crap movies, they are hilarious, me and my friends will sit around getting drunk and put in shi_tty movies and have a blast, Uwe is our god of shi_tness

Improved bowel movement? ParafFun!
