MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > I'm thinking of buying this film...

I'm thinking of buying this film...

I'm thinking of buying this film because in my DVD collection I don't have any truly bad films, especially with good actors like Michael Madson and Ben Kingsley.

If I did buy it it would only be for about £2.50 off ebay so it wouldnt be such a waste of money.

Also that would be my first Uwe Boll film.

i was wondering what people thought of me buying this and whether it was a good idea or not


Sure buy it! It will be the worst money you have ever spent in your life. This movie isn't even funny bad, it's plain ol' bad. This is how you do not make a film. If anything it will make you respect good directors even more, and rip on bad ones even more. This guy is the embarassment of all things film.



Have you considered investing in some Mystery Science Theater 3000 DVDs?

I own Stealth and am leaning towards purchasing Hulk, both movies considered bad by many people. I like the visuals, and both films are reasonably enjoyable. As you said, this sort of thing is cheap used online.

I've heard this movie has (terrible) special effects - like what, a Sci-fi channel movie? I don't want to rent it just to find out. Are there CG flying things, or people, or creatures, or what?

The cockroach is a noble beast....


There's no CG from what I can remember, it's like it hardly had a budget at all. The whole movie is lifeless,the acting is bad, the action is stupid and just about everybody who gets killed dies by getting sliced in the stomach or chest and... ughhh. If you're interested in learning about how NOT to make a movie, then yes, spend your $2.00 or $3.00 on it.


how about buy the first howling or fright night which is better than craprayne movie



There's a ton of CG, which just shows that you're an Internet troll who's never watched it.

The DVD special features show a lot of the CG effects before/after, such as the vampire transformations, fly-throughs of virtual sets, and so on.


CGI? No silly. Those things cost money. What they have is so piss poor action and stuntwork (didn't even bother to choreograph a swordfight) and a *beep* of blood packets.


You may download the DVD-R copy (or DVD rips) off Usenet, BitTorrent, Direct Connect. You may burglarize Uwe Boll's house (where most of the pressed copies are probably kept) and steal it from there. But you must not buy it!



No, House of the dead is really funny if you consider it a joke... Bloodrayne is very very bad, that's all, nothing else.


Nyquil is cheaper. Actually bashing yourself in the head with a brick is MUCH cheaper.

You have no bad films in your collection? Considering you're thinking of buying an Uwe Boll film, I sincerely doubt that.


If you're a film student and want to write a paper listing all the things that can make a movie stink, this would be a good bad example. If you're looking for movies that are bad but fun to watch, there are much better choices:

- Plan 9 from Outer Space: possibly not the worst movie ever made, but the worst ever seen by a mass audience. Absolutely incoherent, possibly has something to do with alien space invaders and vampires, extreme overacting, incomprehensible sound, bad lighting.

- Robot Monster/Monster from Mars/Monsters from the Moon(1953): the evil invading robot is wearing a gorilla suit, possibly because that was cheaper than a robot costume. Or maybe it was the only thing left at the store.

- Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964): which reminds me of "The Night They Saved Christmas" (1984), a terrible treacly made-for-TV children's movie, except that Jaclyn Smith looks fetching.

- Starcrash (1979): A fine example of the worst of the 1970s, redeemed by Caroline Munro. Unfortunately most of the time she's fully clothed, and Marjoe Gortner's hair is distracting.

- For males of age 18 or over, the films of Russ Meyer have some interesting aspects, though high production values are not one of them.




Kristanna gets topless for a weird,as in where did this come from kind of sex scene.The fact that she gets topless is the only reason to buy this movie.Oh yeah Michael Madsen is also a cool actor,and Michelle Rodriguez is hot too.

Dont buy this movie for the storyline,CGI or the lack of,or anything else other than the hot Kristanna Loken,the hot Michelle Rodriguez and the cool Michael Madsen.
