MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > My points about this film...

My points about this film...

Well I recently brought this movie without seen it first on the cinema (something i really regret) so I choose to buy this.

I decide to make some points that this movie affected me somehow, and also if somebody agrees with me, I mean, I know this film is awful, but well, this is how i find this movie.

1)Story... What was the story again?
Well, this is the escencial part of every film ever made: story. Well in Bloodrayne Boll decided to make some sort of story, a story that only he could understand, for example, the flasbacks of how Rayne scaped from her (cage?) and the show us how she poorly killed the bad guys and then, we see Rayne in the forest, well, i think if they just leave the scenes like they should, it would improve the story. But, there are lots of plot holes, some random lines, naked women, unexplained reasons and actons and those sort of things.

2)Characters Development
Ok, i think that if you have a story full of characters you should have complete characters, I mean, how they 'evolve', what they learn at the end, but, well, the thing is that we only saw Rayne evolve somehow, the supporting characters like Madsen's or Rodrigues' are forgotten, they remained just flat, and well, I guess the only thing Rayne learns in the whole movie are some reasons to hate Kagan, just that.

3)Random Boobs
Boll was maybe thinking that showing Kristana's boobs was a smart idea, i mean, that scene was totally random! Also there are some boobs of random women with the fat guy, I mean, does the movie REALLY needed it?

4)Why? Why? Why?!
One of the problems in this film is the lack of explanations (Plot Holes) there are so many things I will like to know in this movie... One of them is the random appeareance of Billy Zane, well, it´s a great actor, but It wouldn't affect the film if his character were cut off.

Another thing, the side stories: more about Rayne past, more about the supporting characters stories and those sort of things.

Ok, this bald villain according to some things were said in the movie was the most powerful vampire, but... I think that sitting so long in that throne and getting killed so... easy made this character so... false. And, well, the things we know about him was that he raped and killed Rayne's mother (again, reason please?) but, I've seen worse villans, so don't worry too much about that Boll.

6)Kristana's Voice
Well, Locken is sexy, and in that outfit a lot more sexy! but, what I really hate about her in the movie is her screaming, her scream is the worst I've ever heard and seen! first of all: It doesn't give the 'dramatical look' to the scene, also, It makes the scene annoying. For example, when she is screaming while bitting the guy from the circus (the drunk man that tried to rape Rayne in her cage) or when she was in the woods (while the first flashbacks). Before seen this movie I thought that Milla Jovovich's voice was the worst on any movie, but Kristana proved that she had the worst voice of all the time. Well, that's what I think of it.

7) Why from all the movies in the entire store I choose this movie
First of all, I really love vampire action movies, I was walking through the DVD section and I found this one, I saw the cover and was obvious that was a vampire movie, also i noticed the yellow box that said that this box also included the complete video game, so that made it more atractive, also the price of $ 20, so i was thinking: A vampire movie that seems to be good + a full videogame of vampires (yay!) + only for 20 dollars = I take it!

The surprise was when i played this movie back in my house.. I really wanted to enjoy this movie, and the few times that I've seen it I really tried to enjoy it, but i find more reasons to hate this movie..

well, those are my points about this movie, I would like to know all your oppinions and other points of views of this film, also, if you want to add another point to this list, I'll add it to this list. Thanks


I found Kristana to be the high point of the film, and didn't think she looked attractive at all. I know she can't touch water, but damn use scented oils or something she was in imediate need of a shower.

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