Serious Question

My friends and I have started a bad movie night tradition. We just finished our second session. The movies (Shark Attack 3: Megalodon and Jack Frost 2: Killer Mutant Snowman) were both horrible (and I mean that in a good way). We basically wanna watch the "so bad it's funny" type movies. We're all fans of MST3K and we try and riff off of these movies and have a good time. In short, I want to know: Is BloodRayne and/or Alone in the Dark unintentionally hilarious? (we hope to watch those two next but we don't wanna rent them and be dissapointed) and what are some other that are "so bad it's funny" movies that you recomend. Don't say Manos: The Hands of Fate (MTS3K) 'cause I got it.

We all absoultly love House of the Dead. So I assume Uwe Boll's other "masterpieces" are equally as bad/good. I've never laughed so hard when I first saw that movie. I even gave it to a friend of mine as sort of an inside joke.

Our first bad movie night we watched Hercules in New York and The Ginger Dead Man. HINY was the funniest movies I've ever seen especially with what we had to say along with it. GDM was kind of a let down, because it (obviously) knew it was stupid and campy and just made self deprecating gags about itself. That's what we don't want though. We want the movie to take itself very seriously but we want the direction, plot, dialogue, etc. to be so horrendous that it becomes funny. Jack Frost was kind of like GDM but it was funnier.

Plan 9 from Outer Space, Troll 2, and Attack of the Killer Shrews (the MST3K one) are ones we plan on watching in the near future.

Thanks for your input



I still don't know wheather or not br takes itself seriously! It was just so random, there was something resembling a plot in it, I guess. Better to just say the movie is based around the sex scene, makes it more enjoyable, I guess.

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRF
R.I.P Benoit thanks for the memories.


Well it's on Sci fi right now, and I'd say it fits into that category. Some others I can think of are Black Christmas (the remake), I Know Who Killed Me (which isn't on dvd yet, but I'm sure will have a quick release), Blood & Chocolate, and Domino


I agree, this movie and Alone in the dark would fit that category. Some other movies to check out is Future Hunters, one of my all-time favorite movies. Also any movie with Steven Seagal in it.


There also house of the dead,scarecrow,scarecrow gone wild




I Know Who Killed Me was alright? hahaha. I mean, I'm not trying to argue or anything, but I think there's a pretty general consensus that I Know Who Killed Me was terrible. I went in to watch really wanting to like it. But after 2/3 into the movie, I couldn't pretend it was ok anymore... Everyone in the theater was laughing and making jokes except for me...


lindsey lohan movie?

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ


Another one to check out is Skinwalkers. My friend and I went to see it the other night and it was REALLY REALLY bad, but it started being really funny about twenty minutes in.


Alone in the dark may not be the right film to watch if you're looking for a film that's so bad it'll make you laugh type of session. Alone in the dark is indeed absolutely awful, but that's the point, it's so awful that you'll start bleeding from your eyes and you'll actually have seisures and headaches from trying to make sense of the utter nonsense that's playing in front of you. There are some parts that are hilarious in it admittedly, such as that terrible taxi cab chase near the start and the totally unprovoked sex scene, not to mention Tara Reid trying to play an intelligent scientist is guaranteed to make you grin at least.

A few films i can think of that me and my friends watched for the intentionally bad factor is King Kong Escapes, and above everything look for a film called Ninja Dragon, it's basically two films merged into each other to make one film, and it makes absolutely no sense as a result. It starts off pretty slow, but some of the acting, dialogue and ninja fight scenes will probably have you on the floor rolling with laughter, in some cases i was literally crying with my friends at some of it.


nah i wouldnt include this, the movie takes itself pretty seriously and doesnt go too cheesey, effects wise this is pretty f'n good too.

Stick the low budget creature features.


Thanks for everyone who replied. My friends and I have already watched this and Alone in the Dark and laughed our @ss off at both of them. Esp. BloodRayne. This movie is SO bad! But that's the greatness of it. We also watched AITD with Uwe's commentary. That was actually even more hilarious than the movie.

