MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > First Uwe Boll Movie for me. And WOW

First Uwe Boll Movie for me. And WOW

Horrifying? Hell yes. Do I want my money back? I downloaded it off torrent on purpose. I am hell lot glad I did not spent a penny on this film.

I have to be honest, Mr. Boll, I did what you told us to do. Watch your movies and then review it instead of following the trolls. Well I did. And I have to admit, that was one hell of a movie.
You used alot of Hollywood-like action and also tried to intrigue the men with these sexual contents here and there that I never saw in the actual game.

Then there was the beginning. Seriously, you left me clueless from the start. You take the point of view of like five different characters and lead me to actually believe what the story was about. No I didn't. You jumpstart the entire movie like everyone actually played the game. There was absolutely NO character development whatsoever, and no introduction to what the hell was going on. Just the violence starts all of a sudden. Then Bloodrayne says this. "I don't kill humans. Only vampires." Then how about the people she killed in the beginning? Bloodrage? What?! So she's all of a sudden a hypocrite to her own words?
Dialogue was just cheesy. I mean what can I say, it's a movie based on a video game. No *beep* it'll sound weird and funky.

Uwe Boll, you have shown to me what a horrible film maker is. You chose to add in senseless violence that I have already seen in Kill Bill. (I'm not fond of Quentin Tarantino, but that's my opinion) Weak dialogue, no character development. Then you expect me to say it's a masterpiece? Think again, wise cracker.


I normally enjoy ultra crappy movies in a twisted sort of way, but this was a bit to much (I lasted about half an hour).

All I could think of while suffering the robot like dialogue was:
what is mr Boll´s secret trick to get all the renomated actors to star in his movies?

Is the answer as simple as the sweet sweet money? Don´t they have any dignity at all?


then stay far away from shack of the dead a.k.a house of the dead and alone in the threathes a.k.a alone in the dark direct by uwe boll

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill


I came onto imdb to see if this film looked any good. The pictures look cool and i like the idea of a good game-film adaptation.
For the record i've seen "alone in the dark" and "house of the dead" (the second uwe boll was not my choice). Theyre not even so bad theyre good - ala Snakes on a Plane. There just plain bad.

I will not ever make the mistake again.


if yo want to see a good game film adaptation watch silent hill

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill


Silent Hill is the best video game adaption even though they screwed it up, I blame Roger Avary for that. Christophe Gans did a really nice job directing.


Woo! Its my first Uwe Boll film and I thought BloodRayne was quite entertaining actually.

I really wanna see house of the dead but its hard to get on Limewire.

I Thought Only Kryptonite Could Hurt Superman. Not A Broken Heart.


i guess this is why it hasnt been released in the UK...seeing as all ive read on here is that its basically..crap. lol.


It went direct-to-video in Uwe's home country.


watched it wondering 'how bad can it be, really, i've sat through 'the Beast of Yucca Flats'. Half an hour after it ended, when my brain was able to construct coherent thoughts again, i became very, very angry.
can't say that nobody warned me.

The Enemy is tempting you with Cola.


just watched the last hour on Sci-Fi. damn


This is the first Boll movie I've seen and there were certain moments where I laughed out loud and thought about how awful this was. Like almost any movie there were moments of greatness, and moments of ridiculous stupidity. It is fairly comical how ferociously Ben Kingsley collects his paycheck in this film. There were certainly moments of bad direction, but also Michael Madsen was terribly miscast. Most of the godawful acting choices came from Madsen and Michelle Rodriguez.

Regarding the comment of some actors holding their swords like a pre-pubescent child, that is the fault of the fight choreographer or weapons master of the film.


TO jamesbound didn't Ben kingsley look bored to you in bloodrayne movie when he was acting?.



LOL! He looked half bored and half glazed-over wondering how in the hell he ended up on this movie set.


I guess Mr Boll is aiming deliberately for the DVD market ;)


Silent Hill was pretty good. Especially the visuals. It captured the eerie and twisted atmosphere of the games.


Acctually, I´ve seen Alone in the dark.
You never learn by your mistakes I guess :P

Christian Slayter´s acting had definitely a distracted "what-the hell-am-I doing-in-this-movie!?"-quality to it.
Biggest laugh was the highly unmotivated sex scene forced into the movie.


Uwe is the worst director ever! None of his movies are good or even slightly viewable. The only thing thats good about this movie is that we get to see Kristannas breast. And even that doesn't make it worth traumatising my brain neurons with this crap.

The acting sucks abhorently, it's incoherent, the characters are stupid and does things that doesn't make sense, and the swords in this movie looks like f uc ing toy swords. Did you see the way Michael Madsen handled the sword by the way? He was holding like a 15 year old girl would hold it. It looks incredibly stupid and it's the directors fault for not correcting him.

I can't go on... I'm just hurting myself at this point. And I shouldn't have to either. It should be perfectly clear that this movie and it's director sucks and if you think otherwise you belong in some kind of institution.


this was my first of his too and i questioned it actually being released in theaters and not straight to dvd the entire time.

Proud to be Uwe Boll hater #23.


he sucks, when i watched some of his films like house of the suck and alone in the dark i was beginning to think that he was trying to make these movies suck thats the only thing i can think of. he's an evil person who tries to make movies that could go perfectly well and takes them and smashes them down onto the ground and smashes them with his *beep* covered boot.
well that was kind of a rant.


This is not terrible if one compares has elektra or catwoman(very bad movie).Bloodrayne are a good casting and is very gore!I love this movie.


First off... gore and cast don't make up a movie, I've said it a million times: just because a movie has a good cast doesn't mean it won't be a steaming piece of sh!t of a movie, which this truly was, I'm sorry to say. And second, Catwoman and Elketra, while being crap, are not nearly as awful as this, at least those movies actually made sense, whereas this didn't (Rayne apparently "befriending" humans after deliberately killing a bunch of them minutes ago, her f_cking random guys she met 5-10 minutes ago for absolutely no reason, pointless fight scenes, etc etc).

"Boycott Uwe Boll Films" petition


This was based on a game? Who'd of thunk it? LOL... Well, I haven't heard of the game, much less seen it, but what I've seen so far of the movie is pretty good... for a Sunday afternoon "thrilla" on SciFi... I like Michelle Rodriguez in just about anything she does (say, wasn't she in 'Resident Evil', too... which was based on a *gasp* game?)... and Michael Madsen doesn't hurt my eyes either... don't have a clue who Uwe Boll is but I've heard horrible things about him... SciFi, you need some new writers... I'm a sci-fi fan and I'm up for grabs... HIRE ME! :-)

...Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he doesn't become a monster...


to shadow you should bloodrayne game there're better than bloodrayne movie and yes Michelle rodriiguez in resident evil movie she was my favorite charact beside spncer and the licker.

