Best film ever

Ewe Boll is god. I have never seen a movie better than Bloodrayne in my life. All of the dialouge, action sequences, and plot were top notch. I can't wait to see what Boll does next.

Smoke crack and worship satan. Ewe Boll is superior.


Seriously or sarcastically?

Yawn, stretch. Snore.


You were probably on crack when you were watching this film, or YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F UCK A MOVIE IS.

"Ewe Boll is superior," this statement is from you unter the influence of crack. Uwe Boll has won nothing but razzies. and how dare you compare him to G-d.


dude! A movie is neither good nor bad but it all depends on the person whos watching it so please don`t insult people.


A movie is neither good nor bad

Okay that's simply not true.

A movie can be judged on many criteria, namely:

1. Acting
2. Directing
3. Music and use of sound
4. Plot and Logic
5. Pacing and Script
6. Cohesion
7. Cinematography
8. Effectiveness

My Home on the Web


that entire list is subjective, the only way it could be objective is if it's the worse movie to ever exhist. There is in no way a person can claim that boll's films have any of that, so by your own words nearly every movie can be considered good.

veni,vidi,vici(I Came, I Saw,I Conquered)
I came, I saw, and thats about it. sounds more like it


The list is objective in degree if you know what you're talking about. Believe me there is a difference between those who know how to critique film and those who rate a movie "I liked it" or "I hated it".

My Home on the Web


So I'm assuming if I said that this movie made my eyes bleed, it's a bit vague of an answer?

(Although the bleeding eyes did give a good scare to the old roommate.)

We'll try and kill each other like civilized people?


Depends if its from such intense emotions or because the suckyness is making them bleed :D

My Home on the Web


It was definitely the suckiness. I had never been so disappointed in a film in my life. (Well...there was the Timeline fiasco)

We'll try and kill each other like civilized people?


A really good fine artist made a commercial poster for my buddy Mike while in Varanasi it is so beautiful I will email you a copy. Email me so i know which addy to use!

My Home on the Web


Unless everyone in the world hates a movie then it can be considered bad!Furthermore if you hate this movie so much why post in its forum!?


"A movie is neither good nor bad"

WTF??? Are you insane??? By that rationale you're saying that Steven Seagal makes masterpieces.

The mind boggles.

"I never knew magic crazy as this"
Nick Drake
19/06/1948 – 25/11/1974


bloodrayne is on the 100 worst movie bottom list with other two game base movie made by uwl boll on imdb
plus bloodrayne didn't even last two weeks in theathers

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill


All I`m trying to say is instead of harassing ppl for liking a movie RESPECT THEIR OPINIONS OR GO BE AN ARSE HOLE SUM WHERE ELSE!!!


I have seen bloodrayne and it was crap uwe boll only use bloodrayne name and
the movie had nothing to do with bloodrayne expect her name.

I also have played bloodrayne games

