MovieChat Forums > Monster House (2006) Discussion > Anyone glad it avoided Polar Express dea...

Anyone glad it avoided Polar Express dead eyes?

I think that is what Zemeckis and company learned, there is good eye movements and the characters don't look like the actors they play

"You Can't Piss on Hospitality, i won't allow it"-Troll 2


I never could pick up on the dead eyes in The Polar Express, they all seemed quite natural to me.


Nah I never noticed it in Polar Express and think that's one of the best Christmas movies I've ever seen! 10 years later and my wife and I still love it! So good and music is spectacular.


The eye thing you're talking about is the the "Uncanny Valley" effect, where non living characters such as animation, puppetry or robots look lifeless and can be disturbing or off-putting to view (there is plenty out there written about this), and it was the first thing I noticed when I watched this movie. The company that made this film has a bad reputation for always failing in this regard with only s few companies, Pixar most notably always succeeding in giving characters life


Its hard to pull off convincing eyes and other elements like that. Humans are evolved to pay close attention to subtle body language and facial cues and most of that is taking place subconsciously. Its hard to make computer replicas because we don't fully understand what we are looking for in a realistic facial expression.
