MovieChat Forums > The Office (2005) Discussion > Why did Athleap hire Darryl?

Why did Athleap hire Darryl?


-Interviewed horribly
-Is a bit of a douche
-Had zero experience.

Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.


He must have come up with some ideas since he handed everyone a folder. It's questionable what the hell he did in the two years leading up to that point. Sat in his office and played Solitaire?


I agree, I wouldn't have hired him. What sports marketing experience does he bring to the table? Again, maybe that folder had amazing ideas, who knows.


Do you remember what the position was?


They didn't say.


Quite frankly, I never understood why people liked him in the first place. He's about as boring, uninteresting, and kind of just mediocre as a person can get. He had no real outstanding qualities, nor any sort of charisma or notable intelligence, and yet everyone on the show loves him.


He was best in small doses, as a quick foil for Michael. Moving him out of the warehouse killed off the character.


Yeah that's very true. Exactly as you said, he worked well as a foil for Michael. I'd elaborate on what you said a bit and say that he was ruined when moved to a main character, and forced upon the audience in a way where we're supposed to care about his problems. Problems that aren't worth caring about from a guy who isn't interesting enough as a person to entice interest.


Wow, I loved Darryl. He's hilarious and his reactive expressions are spot on. I didn't like how he was made out to be the bad guy in the apartment situation with Jim. Jim was being sloppy and inconsiderate of the fact they both shared a living space. All Darryl did was point out that Jim used his thermos and Jim reacted so childishly.


Athleap? lol, is that a typo, or did you not pay attention to the show?

And they pretty much made it clear why they hired him. Yeah, he didnt have much experience - but none of them did. They were all just normal people with average jobs who wanted to start a company and thats why he fit in.


Athlead was later renamed as Athleap. Didn't you pay attention to the show.


They didn't make it clear at all. No justification was given as to why they hired Darryl over the next random bozo that walked through the door. Seemed like lazy writing. In real life it is highly unlikely they couldn't have found someone who would interview better than Darryl.

Anything else to add apart from this comment that makes you sound like a pompous simpleton?

Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.


Anything else to add apart from this comment that makes you sound like a pompous simpleton?

Coming from someone who didnt pay attention whatsoever to the show.

Plus I already explained in great detail why they hired him, simpelton.


Right. So you are the authority on paying attention to the show, yet you didn't even know the company was named Athleap at the end of it. Nice one you dolt.

Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.

