MovieChat Forums > Mayday (2003) Discussion > Ever watch this during a flight?

Ever watch this during a flight?

I've watched it a few times on my tablet while flying.. oddly enough it calms my nerves and makes the flight a little more bearable.


LOL, I always wondered that too, how it would be to play this on a plane. I think they showed airplane crashes as the movies in 'Airplane'. I don't fly very much to be able to do that, but I can see someone getting pissed off at me for it.


I have! Was on a flight to Florida maybe a year ago that had live satellite TV and it was on Discovery channel. I think it was my brothers first time flying and he was terrified and was pissed that I had it on haha.

"You mean the movie lied!?" - Freddy, Return of the Living Dead.


You have balls.

That's like watching Halloween with a serial killer on the loose in your town.


I do ! I always watch different air crash documentaries during flights : I have zero fear of flying ( actually , I love it ! ) and know very well that being involved in a plane crash is almost impossible , especially today , when aviation safety is so strict .

Going to visit my family which lives in another country this Saturday ( 12.11.2016 ) , and I already uploaded the new episode about the Tenerife Disaster on my E-book reader . Flying KLM , by the way . Going to watch it on my flight between Copenhagen and Amsterdam , and maybe some more Tenerife-related docus on my second flight to my final destination ;-)

The only danger in watching aircrash shows during flights is the possibility to sit by some nervous passenger who suffers from extreme fear of flying who might lose control over his/her bladder ;-)


The last flight I ever took was twenty years ago last September so this show didn't exist yet, however there were other crash-investigation shows and specials around years before and my family watched one at a questionable time.

In 1991 the five of us were to take four flights during our one-week trip to and from Las Vegas. It would be the first time flying for at least four of us so we were a bit excited. Two days before the first flight we watched an independent special about the incident with China Airlines Flight 006 in 1985 (the same incident re-enacted as "Panic Over the Pacific" of 'Mayday/Air Emergency' Season 4 Episode 6) and all of its terror that occurred before the pilots were able to recover and land.
Before the special concluded my sister smartly asked, "Should we really be watching this before we get on a plane?" I think at least one of us answered with, "Probably not," before I started giggling. Fortune was with us and none of us have ever been in a crash or air emergency.
I recently started watching the series and it has given me a new respect for air-travel. I wince just a little every time I watch an animated recreation of a plane that bursts into flames or when it is obliterated on impact. My heart goes out to those that have survived such disasters and to the families of those with loved ones that didn't.

"Last question: What is the difference between a duck?" - Postal (2007)
