MovieChat Forums > Entourage (2004) Discussion > Just started watching this show and it s...

Just started watching this show and it seems so dated.

I've finally started watching this show. I definitely have had a few laughs and I really enjoy Jeremy Piven, but I am so distracted by how dated so many of the jokes/storylines/characters are. For example, the over the top misogyny. I get it's meant to show how awful the characters are, but it's not even done in a clever way. They're just annoying douche bros which doesn't translate well into 2016...

Plus, S1 EP7 where the director of Queens Boulevard writes in a scene where Vince is being blown by some guy in the subway and the entire episode revolves around them all freaking out about it. It just feels SO dated since nobody would give a *beep* about that now.

Is this worth continuing or is the entire show like this? Also some of the acting is just so bad as well. Jeremy Piven is by far the best part of the show, but Adrian Grenier is so mediocre and uncharismatic. He has the same deer in headlights expression on his face constantly. How am I supposed to believe that his character is this megastar actor?


For example, the over the top misogyny. I get it's meant to show how awful the characters are, but it's not even done in a clever way. They're just annoying douche bros which doesn't translate well into 2016...

Vince and E are not misogynists. Drama and Turtle are in the way that many childish men are. I don't see them as hating women, more that they have not had good enough relationships with women to see women as things other than sex objects. That does not mean they hate women. Also,do you really think misogyny has changed all that much in 12 years? I don't see it that way at all. I don't think childish men are any less misogynist, or childish women any less misandrist although women are usually given a pass for it, in 2016 than they were in 2004.

Also, the show is not about how terrible the characters are, they are not terrible people. Childish yes, other than E, but not terrible. The show is about friendship and loyalty, people who will stick by each other through thick and thin. It is about old friends who will stand by you whether or not you are famous.I saw some idiot on this board claim that Turtle/Drama/E would abandon Vince if he lost everything. Did this moron even watch the show? That is shown to be axiomatically false when you watch seasons 4 and 5.

How are annoying douche bros no longer around? I don't see why you think that, I see plenty of them.

I honestly don't know if you should keep watching. The characters do eventually develop, but you seem to hate them enough that it might not be worth it. My sister and my wife both love the show for the record, and they are far from stereotypical housewives of the 50's.


For example, the over the top misogyny.

Wha? What planet do you live on? The show is not misogynist at all. That's what guys think about and do at that age, which is why the show was so critically acclaimed at the beginning - even by female reviewers. So a show where young women are thinking about boys, is a show about misandry? You had pretty terrible parents if you were brought up to be so naive.

And 2016 is way more of a misogynist place today than it was in 2005. With Trump. Gamergates, and Breitbart, real misogyny is now much more open and acceptable. What Trump has said about Miss Universe pretty much shows that. He wouldn't have dared say that in 2005's PC culture, or he would have crucified by the all the press, including the right wing.

It's art, and not every show you're going to like. But the one thing people often complain about the show is that the boys actually mature, and they start to get the problems that come when you're older. In fact, that's the biggest criticism of the show that's on this site: That it changed too much from the first season. So, this show is not for you. No probs. But I think you need to grow up a bit to what actually happens in the world before you start to criticize.


Wha? What planet do you live on? The show is not misogynist at all. That's what guys think about and do at that age, which is why the show was so critically acclaimed at the beginning - even by female reviewers. So a show where young women are thinking about boys, is a show about misandry? You had pretty terrible parents if you were brought up to be so naive.

I literally have no clue what point you are trying to make here. Misogyny is what guys think about and do at that age? Okay??

But I think you need to grow up a bit to what actually happens in the world before you start to criticize.


How did you manage to come to a definite conclusion about my awareness of the world around me based on an a single IMDB post?

What Trump has said about Miss Universe pretty much shows that.

Considering Trump originally made those comments almost two decades ago, this defeats your point. 2016 isn't less misogynistic now, but people are certainly more vocal about calling that kind of behaviour out now thanks to the Internet. And I guess I shouldn't be surprised that accusations of misogyny in a show that caters to frat boys would be responded to with such hostility...


And I guess I shouldn't be surprised that accusations of misogyny in a show that caters to frat boys would be responded to with such hostility...

Is there something wrong with being a frat boy. That seems pretty judgemental. You don't seem to be very open minded. My guess is that you see yourself as an open minded person, but your comments don't really back that up.

Misogyny is what guys think about and do at that age? Okay??

Plenty of guys that age are not misogynist. Perhaps you mean guys that age like casual emotionless sex? That is not misogynist at all, the same way women who are into such encounters are not misandrist. Once again, you are stereotyping and being judgemental. You probably don't see yourself that way but your posts would say otherwise.


I literally have no clue what point you are trying to make here. Misogyny is what guys think about and do at that age? Okay??

Where did you grow up to be so naive? Boys think about girls and think about being with girls. Do you expect them to join a monastery too? Sorry but that's what many guys do before the age of 25 and what you talk about. That has nothing to do with misogyny. My gosh. It's called growing up, and every male goes through that phase. The show is about boys not growing up, and the later seasons they pay for it (Which again, many male viewers didn't like) To say it's misogyny because you think boys should be doing what you want them to be doing is beyond ridiculous.

Now a 59 year old man on a bus talking about sexually assaulting women, now that's misogyny and gross. The conversations the boys have never talk about sexually assaulting someone, they talk about being with girls. Just like many women talk about being with boys. You're making something up that doesn't exist, just because you don't like this type of conversation. Men can say the same thing about how women talk about boys, but we don't because we know we're no better.

And I guess I shouldn't be surprised that accusations of misogyny in a show that caters to frat boys would be responded to with such hostility

Do you even know what "frat" means. I don't think most of the characters went to school, so your point again is just silly. They are simply being excessive because of the strange lifestyle they have, and how much money and time they have on their hands. They are not committing crimes against women like Trump does in real life.

You undoubtedly were overly sheltered and spoiled in your life to not know boys can be like this.


Are you triggered? This is the imdb forum, not tumblr, you're wrong here.



This clearly is not a show for you. Move along now please


I get what you are saying... Just this week I rewatched seasons 1-2 which I have not watched in awhile and I was taken aback by the high level of misogyny and homophobia - which I didn't remember from my first viewing..... and yes - it's there, even if the other people responding here deny it...

Anyhow - answering your question... the frat-boy mentality carries through the series, but if memory serves it eases-up as the series moves along, and the characters grow up a bit (a bit - not a ton)....

I would say sample season 2 at least... and if you don't like that skip the rest. Piven is def. the highlight for me also, and in season 2 he gets a new assistant named Lloyd who lasts the rest of the series and the relationship between those two is fantastic.
