

I don't think the show would even be done in this day and age. Maybe a female version but no way that would work today.


Just bringing a female writer into the fold in the later seasons, the show became pussified. No way in hell this gets made in the me too era. Maybe a female version or something but no way could this be made in 2020.


didn't they technically have a me too situation in the series when lizzie was going after ari? i always hated how ari was the bad guy but no one bashed lizzie for messing with a married man.


Thank god this show ended before the me too movement started. The movie already got ripped apart by critics for being "sexist".


female nudity and no male nudity is sexist and unfair


Go cry about it, snowflake.



The same is written in the parental guidance on imdb

I am stating a fact



He didn't say it wasn't true. Just implied that you're a touchy, sensitive puss for caring. If there was a show out there with tons of male nudity and no female, I doubt any men would complain about it. We wouldn't WATCH it, but we wouldn't cry and moan about how "sexist and unfair" it is for it to exist.


Men already complain like that.

You’re the touchy one for caring about what I said.
