Symbolism I just noticed

After they first have sex in the tent, Ennis wakes up earlier than Jack and rides out to the sheep, finding one of them eviscerated by a coyote. I think the sheep's torn-up, gaping torso was supposed to represent the new state of Jack's anus.


Excellent observation. Proulx was reputed to be disappointed by Ang Lee's subtle departure from her original text, but I think it works in context.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


As usual, 'spot-on'. Good to see you are still around, FIDO. 

..*.. TxMike ..*..
"I feel pretty and witty and gay..."


I see what you did there. I will recover, with therapy.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


Yeah, I've read interviews with her and she sounds terribly unpleasant. The original short story in the New Yorker was good, but the film's dialog was better and expanded on each character more. It also allowed for more connection with the two main characters, whereas the short story leaves the reader without much feeling for either one. Granted, the text was several thousand words, versus the film which had over two hours to accomplish this.


Why so serious?

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.


Ya can't miss it. Not when the evidence

fits the crime


Or perhaps it was a foretelling of death--Jack's, as it turned out.

"You can't have Ennis without Jack."--Annie Proulx


Come to think of it, we never got a graphical equivalent of Alma's anus.

Hers served as a *frequent* surrogate for Jack's, in the intervening years.

Why this omission?

Did multiple childbirths make her more pliable and elastic, thereby forgoing the need of a disemboweled animal to explain the violence of Ennis' dick upon her less traveled regions?


Uh, I think you may be overlooking the numerous crows that appear conspicuously throughout the movie, which is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for 'slighted woman with torn anus'.

🇦🇺 All the little devils are proud of Hell.
