MovieChat Forums > Le scaphandre et le papillon (2008) Discussion > Boring, predictable and unable to put u ...

Boring, predictable and unable to put u inside the character

I just can't believe people saying this is the best movie of 2007, I just can't believe this is the winner of the '07 Golden Globes (i thought it was a serious festival like San Sebastian not like Venice or Cannes). That was for me a big disapointment: never deep, always predictable and just trying (without the goal being reached) to make you feel sorry for the guy. Huge disapointment. For those who like this kind of movies, Mar Adentro (The Sea Inside) is much better, makes you feel claustrophobic and passionate for the main character without being the camera the physic eyes of the main character as in this one.


Good move troller!


I found the film incredibly sleep-inducing. All the recitation of letters had the effect of lulling me to sleep. Seems to me Beauby has been a self-centered spoiled celebrity, and yet women seem to be falling all over him. Is this just his own wish-fulfillment? He seems to think an awful lot of himself. Frankly, I wasn't impressed. His character is not very deep, nor does he undergo any real process of growth during the story. So, I'm asking myself, what on earth was the point of this film?


I thought it was a well made movie. I understand why it was presented the way it was. I just didn't like it.


"His character is not very deep, nor does he undergo any real process of growth during the story."

OK.. I guess I could say someone who states something like this should only watch movies that "move you"
and with "character arches" and "moral conclusions" and blablabla, typical "Hollywood" movie formatting.

But the truth is quite the opposite. People who think this way should in fact watch more movies that depict life without pink flowers on the frame or bloom filters for flashbacks. People who think like that, need to watch movies where characters can not be divided in black and white, good or bad, hero or villain.

The typical "hollywood" type of movie makes you think in extremes, in a corridor where no one questions your beliefs and view of the world. Everyone knows what is going for. The characteristics mentioned ("character is not very deep, process of growth during the story...") just reflect a viewer who just hopes his own mindset will be reflected on the movies he watches - instead of wanting to be questioned or challenged by it. Unfortunately that is more confortable then watching a movie that goes beyond our perspective.

"His character is not very deep" - True. Amalric stated that the real person behind the character was kind of shallow in an interview. He probably wasn't very nice either - by "social regular" standards that is. But that is what makes it more true and vivid. He wasn't a hero or a moral standard. He was very human. To me the fact they kept it more closer to the real guy was a pro instead of a con.

"..nor does he undergo any real process of growth during the story" - He wrote a book only in his head. He dictated the book by blinking. He says he lost an opportunity to make up to his wrong doings in relation to his kids and their mother. He kind of learns to live with this terrible condition (if that is ever possible). That is not growth?! That is not overcoming a challenge beyond what most people could endure?

But yes I understand.. the poor cripple doesn't understand nor he is changed by the moral consequences of the punishment or proof that God has made him go through.. There should be a redemption based conclusion. A light and a tunnel in the end. And during the final fade to white he would state that he now understands the message send to him by God.. And maybe a funeral at the end with all the characters making a speech where they would only say how amazing he was, that he was a fighter and blabla.

I'm glad Pathé picked this one up. I´m glad that there are still some directors, producers, scriptwriters, actors and crew members who don't give a s**t about the mainstream mentality and the crappy "I don't feel empathy by the main character" or "there is no conclusion" feedback from focus groups.


This is an amazing movie, one of the best movies from the past ten years.

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


I have to agree. There is an episode of House that portrayed locked in syndrome better and it was only 40 minutes long...


its based on a real its nothing about prediction


I liked The Sea Inside a lot, but I also enjoyed this movie a lot.

I can see you didn't like the style, but I found the first 30 minutes of this movie to be very moving when seeing everything from his point of view.


I have never disagreed more with a post. For me, this is one of the greatest films of all time. But I will give the Sea Inside a look, if only to see how it compares to this. I kind of place this as a film above being predictable, or deep. For me it's one of the most pure, tender, honest, heartbreaking, life-affirming and beautiful films going, taking through an entire life in 100 minutes. But hey, there goes that saying about opinions and *beep*


My list of films I consider good;


i also found it boring and wasn't a fan of the camera work. But i did enjoy the story.
