MovieChat Forums > Sin City (2005) Discussion > The Hard Goodbye story = Home Alone

The Hard Goodbye story = Home Alone

You have two characters named Marv and Kevin who are opponents in both stories.

In both films, Marv is a dimwitted, tall, thug while Kevin is a cold, calculating, sociopathic young boy.

The climactic showdown between the two characters involves Marv breaking into Kevin's home at night, and one of them setting booby traps for the other to fall into.

Both Marvs--i.e. Daniel Stern and Mickey Rourke--were in Diner together, and both Kevins--i.e.Macauley Culkin and Elijah Wood--were in The Good Son together.

Oh, and both Marvs get electrocuted to the point of their skeletons briefly becoming visible--in the graphic novel, when Marv gets zapped in the chair, that's what happens, and in Home Alone 2, that's what happens to the other Marv.


No one has any comments?


Well, this made me laugh, and it is kinda weird how many parallels there are. However, some of the parallels are a little too far "off".

Kevin in Home Alone is not really intended to be a cold, calculating, sociopathic young boy. I feel like that's a "hot take" version of Kevin MacAlister. Also, while they are both younger, Kevin in Sin City is a lot older than Kevin in Home Alone.

The showdown and booby traps check out, but the trap-setter is opposite in each film.

The Diner/Good Son parallels are great.

There are other missing elements. Marv has a partner for his attack on Kevin's house in Home Alone, but unless we're counting "Gladys," Marv doesn't have anybody to lean on in Sin City.

Kevin in Sin City has a creepy "father figure" who leaves him to his own devices on the Farm, but he isn't forgotten, he's just living there. Furthermore, there is no mother figure (very prominent in Home Alone).

Home Alone is from Kevin's perspective, Sin City is not.

Finally, we have opposite victors in the conflict.

The parallels that are there are good for some laughs, but I don't think it goes deeper. I don't think it's an homage. I could be wrong about that, though...


I'm glad I entertained you.

I actually posted this very same post here twenty years ago during the IMDb days when this flick first came out.

One person said "I never would have thought of those in a million years!"

Another said "Dude, you have WAY too much time on your hands."

Yet another person said something about Joe Pesci playing Home Alone Marv's co-burglar.

Can't remember the other responses.


Haha! Love it!!

You have to do more!
