
I personally loved this movie and while I understand that not everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did, I was at least expecting to see a 7.2 rating! I dunno. What about everybody else?


I absolutely agree with you! I was surprised when I looked up the movie and saw it had such a low rating! But then again you find other lame movies with high ratings! I honestly enjoyed this movie.. A lot of people are saying that the characters were pretentious but that was the part I found enjoyable and humorous.. I don't know, maybe my sense of humor is a little pretentious.. lol In my opinion this movie is definitely underrated for sure! I think Michael Cera was fantastic in this! Then again I love him anyway!


I could scarcely believe a 6.8. I laughed practically the entire film. It seems to me the pretentious lines were designed as part of the comedy, so it's a matter of whether that is to the viewer's taste, and it was to mine. I gave it a 9. Sure, it isn't The Godfather, but if a comedy makes me laugh all the way through then it is exemplary, and Cera was so good.




Agreed, I thought it would be worth at least a 7.

I guess there are the "teenagers don't talk like this" people, and those who, by default, hate all indie movies, or hate hearing people speaking in "European". This movie gives people plenty of reasons to call it "pretentious", even though it's not.

Live long and prosper


Pretentious movies either drive me insane...or I really like it. I hate all of that "teenagers don't talk like this" crap because that just isn't true...well, I guess it depends on WHICH teenagers. I've only seen a clip of this movie but I really want to see it. It looked kind of lame but a friend of mine said it was great and we usually like the same type of humor. I haven't even seen this and I was expecting at least a 7 as well.

-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


sorry didn't see what you all did. To me, It was a bland, no-pulse movie seen it all before type indie straight to video. I love michael cera but this movie was excrutiatingly average! And I wasn't laughing. Just watching.


I thought it was hilarious. My sister didn't like it though.

Let Me In - 9/10
The Social Network - 8/10


I rated this an 8.

I'm not certain "Youth In Revolt" works. But if it's a failure, it's a brilliant failure.


this movie has the best car crash scene of all time. hilarious movie.


I actually really enjoyed this movie too. I've heard the whole, "teenagers don't talk like that" argument several times and I don't really get it. I thought that was a part of what made it so funny.


agree, i thought it was a really good comedy. good script, quirky characters, funny throughout. great casting as well, cera and doubleday are perfect in the lead roles.


The movie is really underrated.


Definitely my favorite Michael Cera movie, a lot of the supporting characters were hilarious too


Saw it a few months ago and already forgot what happened in most of it so it definately didnt leave much of a lasting impression on me.


the hiking scene was the funniest


I love this film! I've watched it so many times. I've watched it with three other friends and two of them loved it but one hated it. The guy who hated it has never experienced the conflict of love though so maybe thats why he didn't appreciate it.
