Very disappointed

What a letdown. Prior to seeing this, I've quite liked every film I've seen with Michael Cera. Whilst he does seem to have been typecast, always playing the geeky-but-we-all-know-he’s-really-cool, intelligent and generally a bit luckless in life and with women dude, I’ve always found his character to be one I’ve liked. Saying that, Cera saved this movie from being a complete travesty.

The biggest disappointment for me was the film’s comedy, or lack of. Mildly amusing in places, the most humour came from the dialogue of Nick’s friends – Lefty and Vijay. Unfortunately, both characters were criminally underused. Justin Long, too, makes an all-too-brief cameo. His character had potential but, like the aforementioned ones, he simply didn’t have enough screen time.

I just feel the premise and potential set-pieces weren’t exploited sufficiently enough. Suffice to say, the film left me cold and thoroughly unmoved.


You just said EVERYTHING I wanted to say about this POS movie. I am a HUGE Michael Cera fan....he was the one and only reason I actually watched this horrible movie..I watched til the end, which was - well. no spoilers here. But everyting left me very unsatisfied. Poor, poor film :(


I actually felt this is one of the better Michael Cera films...

You're dislike for this film shows me that you obviously don't like drama within a comedy... I felt this film wasn't overly funny but was very funny in places and it was a nice, light hearted change from Michaerl Cera's other films which are generally done with the Judd Apatow group...

These film consist of in your face sexual references and ridiculously tame comedy that has been used over and over recently... you didn't like this film because it wasn't crude, you have no comment on the actual film, merely its content.


...what else can you judge a film on other than it's content? What's left after that?

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill


I don't think I need to dignify that with an answer


Hahahaha, alright man. You don't have an answer, I get it. I wasn't rude, I wasn't condescending, I just wanted to know what else there is to judge a movie on other than content.

The directing, the acting, the writing, the etc... everything adds up to the movies content (you know, what's CONTAINED within the movie). So again I ask, what else is there to judge a movie on?

Dunno why i'm asking, you clearly don't have answer. You just wanted to sound intelligent, then when someone asks you to actually explain, you can't... weak.

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill



Thanks, glad some fans of this movie aren't pompous children. But what's even funnier: I haven't said ONE WORD about the movie. Alec whatever said something I didn't understand, so I asked what he meant. He said something about not having to answer it, so I responded with my opinion that even HE didn't know what he meant and was just trying to sound smart. Then your post and then this one.

Not one word for or against the movie from me. Got an answer yet Alec? I suspect not...

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill



See, that's all part of the films content. It's contained within the film, that's where you saw/heard it (the metaphor or symbolism or whatever). I'm all for finding the symbolism, Anti-Christ had a great message on human sexuality and the nature of evil (or evil of nature).

So I know what you're saying. But as I said, that's still part of the films content to me... you saw the symbolism in the film ergo it's part of the films content.

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill




You are an extremely unintelligent person...

Analysing your writing style you sound young and come across pompous and rather arrogant, plus I said 'I don't think I need to dignify that with an answer', meaning your question of 'what else is there than content?' doesn't deserve my time... heard that 'phrase' before?

If you would like an answer then heed my next words...

You are right, the film's content is everything that is CONTAINED in the film, you retard, of course it is, that's exactly what content means...

Your final judgement is that everything to do with the film piles down to content...

However, what about the hype to a film? This film was hyped up to be something hilarious, like one of the Apatow films generally are, however people complain that it wasn't ( I think the trailer exposed one of the funnier scenes)
Furthermore, films such as Avatar were hyped up so much, now everyone believes it to be one of the greatest films ever, or a bloody brilliant one at that... It's only technically brilliant, there is a complete lack of substance...

I was also referring to the message a film sends to its viewers, and the fact that we all take something away from the film.

Plus ALL of the trivia to do with the film and how it was made, i.e. how a shot in the film (in the ocntent) was shot and the ideas behind it...

Don't know why I'm even doing this though, you seem like a pr*ck that just wants to shove everyone down with your convoluted opinions...


This is fun... keep 'em comin' guys!



Finally, a real answer. Thanks Alec. I may not agree with what you consider content vs other (the message is still content to me), but now I know at least what your first post was referring to. That's all I wanted.

Remember, we can't all read minds, so sometimes a question must be asked to help clarify... and an answer like 'I don't think I need to answer' helps NOBODY.

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill


Thank you imnotazombie, you're obviously practiced in the art of insult.

Bearded, sorry for my vague answer due to my mass amount of cynicism... I will never insult a man who supposedly has a wonderful beard again.
