MovieChat Forums > The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) Discussion > Why does the Devil always want to posses...

Why does the Devil always want to possess some moron in Kansas?

One thing that annoys me about the "god fearing Christians" in America is how egotistical they are. They drive around with bumper stickers about how they're going to be whisked away during the Rapture. And if the Devil does exist, they consider themselves some kind of prize for him.

Why doesn't the Devil try to possess a US president or someone powerful? Or how about someone like Mother Teresa. No, it's always some hick from the sticks.


Same with aliens. Why do they only seem to abduct some hillbilly farmer living in the middle of Nowheresville? If they're in such of intelligent life, I'm sure they could do better.


I wouldn't be surprised if the devil HAD gotten to Mother Theresa, considering she basically was making propaganda for the continued spreading of AIDS.
Now THAT would be a smart move by the devil: possess someone, make im/her come across as extremely devout and good and kind, then use that influence to kill millions.


I wouldn't be surprised if the devil HAD gotten to Mother Theresa, considering she basically was making propaganda for the continued spreading of AIDS.
Now THAT would be a smart move by the devil: possess someone, make im/her come across as extremely devout and good and kind, then use that influence to kill millions.

Isn't that basically the plot of The Omen III? I LOL'd at the thread title though, LMAO!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Did you know this movie is based on a true story;

That happened in Germany...

And no one who speaks German can be bad

zombie_prof_monkey_for_a_head - Authorised and regulated by the FCA


Thanks for my first laugh of the day with this topic title.

Reminds me of Costner's great line in Bull Durham: “How come in former lifetimes, everyone is someone famous – how come no one ever says they were Joe Schmo?”! :D


hope I can respond to this...

my standpoint is that the easily coerced are the ones to be possessed first or at all.

I had SUCH a hard time believing that she was going to be a teacher in current times [2005]. and going away to a big college to fulfill that dream ?? outrageous! what was she thinking?? the kids would have eaten her alive and that is if the coursework or professors didn't eat her alive first!

and it is not that she was stupid, but just very sheltered and shielded from life. she had no 'real life' problems/situations in high school, no 'very special blossom episodes' happened to her. she was very sheltered and from a VERY close knit family situation/community. she had NO natural street smarts and that makes her a sitting duck.



Because you need to "Believe" to be susceptible to Demonic Possession. Therefore it follows that the more Believers in a given area, the more people who would be Possessed.


Because "some moron in Kansas" is low-profile.


pretty sure the most famous movie possession was the daughter of a famous actress living in the heart of the capital of the free world.



I think he meant "real" cases of possession. And yes I know this is an adaptation of a real case but the circumstances were similar. And yes the Exorcist was supposed to be based on a true story but in the true story, it wasn't the daughter of a famous actress in DC.

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~


Because Colorado is just too far west to travel. ;-)
