Contrived romance.

I think it's amazing that at the end of the day, Will broke it off with the hottest girl at school because his friends are needy. They weren't happy about Will finally fitting in and Layla was extremely jealous because she wanted him for herself. She didn't deserve Will, she made no attempt to ask him out or flirt, she just assumed that because she knew him as long as she did, that he would just be into it. I think a far more fitting end to the movie would be Gwen's redemption and realizing that she already has everything she wanted in her initial school life e.g. technomancing was seen as a hero ability and not a lame sidekick power, and she was as popular as she could have asked for and would have had the kind of guy that everyone wanted and then undoing her evil mission, and trying to save the day alongside Will, and having an actual romance blossom out of that.

To all the Layla fans, I think a much more suited romance for her, would have been Warren. They complement one another's personalities as well as powers, and actually had chemistry unlike Layla's supposed chemistry with Will.


Will didn't break it off with Gwen because his friends were needy but because he genuinely cared about them and Gwen's badgering at the party made him evaluate what was actually going on and what was important. That is to say, his friends played no active role in him turning on Gwen.

Layla didn't flirt or make her true feelings known to Will, I agree, but she also didn't come across as jealous one bit. From the start of the film, she's shown to have seen Will's attraction to Gwen but she never talks badly of her. When Will messes up and apologises, she can't forgive him quickly enough, which is something you don't see enough of. When you love someone, you want to think the best of them and do anything you can to ease the tension. I don't think Layla assumed Will was into her, instead I got the feeling that she was resigned to being friendzoned to an extent, with the full realisation of this made manifest after he stood her up at the Chinese restaurant.

I don't think Gwen could have had a good ending at school with Will because her whole upbringing would have centred around the Strongholds and how they defeated her, considering she was raised by that goblin thing that hung around her. That's years of having mulled over the fact that your powers were rejected/uncool and a burning desire to get back at the popular group, which, ironically, was Gwen's group in Will's time, with Will being part of the nerdly group.

All that being said, I'm not a Layla fan and she sucks balls. "I can't use my powers for violence because that's wrong until I get a lil slap in the face, then it's actually real and I can care about it". Layla has one of the strongest powers of her generation and, luckily, she won't have to use it much because she ended up with Will, who is practically indestructible, has super strength and can fly. She can rest on her moral superiority while her boyfriend/husband does all the work. She is supportive of Will throughout the film, though.
