MovieChat Forums > War of the Worlds (2005) Discussion > I wish Manny had got in the car

I wish Manny had got in the car

Such a wasted opportunity, we could have had a Brooklyn wise cracking comic relief character for the rest of the film.

Only dream I ever have is it the surface of the Sun. Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same.


That wasn't Brooklyn. In real life it was Bayonne, NJ. It didn't say otherwise in the movie, AIR.

They should have replaced Robby with him, as a bearable foil for Ray.

The story is king.


I agree. They should've let him get in the van and then thrown annoying Dakota Fanning out of the car window. The movie would've been so much more enjoyable.

Play with monkeys, put bananas in hidden places


Dakota is why the movie is great.


HA!!!3 Now that's funny


Absolutely. Best 2 minute part character ever. And agree with executing Dakota too. what an annoying little girl. Older kid wasn't better. Was he insane?


I know right. He would've been an interesting character. Or better yet (plot twist)...what if Ray would've straight up shot him for the vehicle? That would've added a dark undertone.


I hear ya. This movie may carry an appropriately bleak tone, but I think bringing some levity with a comedic character like Manny would’ve been great. Just imagine him, like most of this film’s viewers, getting fed up with Dakota’s character and telling her to shut her trap? That would’ve been pure gold.

But I could really see him being utilized well, unlike most unnecessary comic reliefs.
