I loved this movie

Not just that it was directed by Christopher Reeve (my hero and mentor) but I cried when she had her first pop off at that rehab clinic and she cried then those nurses told her "Don't cry you're making it worst" I work at a hospital and if I see a nurse behaving with that manner I would be right in her face about it. I also cried when the first boy that she liked told her that he was engaged and she was heart broken. Most of all when she wondered if there would be any law firm that hire her as a lawyer. I said loudly "Honey, if I have a case and I needed a lawyer, I don't care if it is a black woman that is blind and deaf and in a wheelchair if she can win my case then I will carry the wheelchair over the stairs to get her to the courtroom!". Sorry I am very passionate about oh AIDS, poverty, stem cell research, anti-guns, anti-war etc etc.

Any ways I am so a fighter for stem cell research, Go Forward!
