Wow! I just watched the movie premiere, and I was not disappointed. Christopher Reeve shines as a director. Reeve does a wonderful job of captivating the uplifting story of Brooke Ellison. I saw Brooke Ellison on Larry King and I think we can all take a lesson from the movie, and the inspirational lives of Christopher Reeve and Brooke Ellison. In this movie, Jean Ellison told her daughter, "you can either contribute to the world or be paralyzed. Its your choice" I think that quote not only applies to people who are paralyzed but to everyone. This is the triumphant true story of a young girl, who overcame her disability, and her family, who were brought closer together by a tragedy that could have torn them apart. With unconditional love, support, and determination, Brooke Ellison shines as a person, motivator, and student. She is the type of person who symbolizes the strength of women. ;)


This movie was simply amazing! Ever since I seen the A&E previews, I thought this movie would be interesting. On Monday night, I forgot all about it, and turned it one when Brooke was about to come from the rehab center. I watched the rest of it and it came on again and seen it up to the part where Brooke's mom has her take her medicine. I was not dissapointed. This movie was amazing, brought tears to my eyes. It was so real. I was amazed how brave Brooke is. It's a beautiful movie, about a beautiful and strong woman. Brooke is smart, determined and brave. She was blessed with a family that supports, loves her unconditionally, and parents that would give up anything to see that she (and their other children) were healthy and happy. In the same way, Brooke was a blessing upon her family, and those who know her. Brooke Ellison symbolizes anyone can accomplish their dreams (if they are willing to work hard for it), a role model for people everywhere male, female, disabled or not, she also symbolizes strong determined women, and is a terrific role model for us all.


~ This was a fantastic & wonderful movie. I just finished watching it a couple hours ago, and I wasn't disappointant at al. Brooke Alison is an incredible true inspiration to all.



I hope they show it here in the uk, i luv to watch it, i am Christopher Reeve fan :), he be so please every 1 in the world like the flim, that made by christopher reeve



beflin ..............You are a piece of garbage.
Your an American Communist, and proud of it, why don't you head for that island paradice Cuba, you A..HOLE.


Nader is a jackass.


Beflin, how can you say that. This movie was amazing, paralysis is more than just your average hardship. My brother is paralyzed, I don't think you understand how hard it is, not only for the person in the wheel chair, but for their family and friends. They are constantly put in the hospital, they have to give up their dreams. My brother was only eighteen when he broke his back, he had to give up a football scholarship to his dream college. He is 24, and still trying to get enough credits to get through his second year of community college. He is in the hospital now, he has come really close to death, and you say that it is just your average hardship. Every day, more people are hurt, and lose the ability to walk forever. Chris Reeve was a wonderful person, who realized that even though it was too late for him to walk again, it wasn't too late for others, and he didn't give up trying to find a cure until he died. Brooke Ellison's story is inspirational, it doesn't happen every day, even for someone who can walk. But of course you have no empathy or compassion you socialist commy *beep*


I'm curious why anyone thinks that socialism and politics has anything to do with their opinion of the movie. Why don't you offer constructive criticism instead of attacking someone's political beliefs in an effort to insult someone who offered a different opinion?

Wow, I am disappointed in these IMDB boards. Grow up!


I'm curious why anyone thinks that socialism and politics has anything to do with their opinion of the movie. Why don't you offer constructive criticism instead of attacking someone's political beliefs in an effort to insult someone who offered a different opinion?

Wow, I am disappointed in these IMDB boards. Grow up!


Me, too! By the way, Socialism is based on compassion on it making it a more egalitarian, peaceful world. The problem that liberals, socialists and communists have with capitalists is what they see as their lack of compassion to those who are different, and that's why almost anyone who is or even thinks of themself as a minority usually gravitates towards the left. I have medical issues as well, and that is why I am so inspired by people like Brooke Ellison, Chris Reeve, Helen Keller, Marlee Matlin, who are all who I would call "lefties" too, who want the world to be more progressive instead of regressive, like under this rather extreme administration in the States, and for the government and society as a whole to make the world better for all, especially those who are the less fortunate in their countries, and the world. I'm not saying all capitalists don't, but pure capitalism is of course fascism, and that's the least compassionate political system I know of. So please, you conservative capitalists, don't give yourself a bad name by calling those people who are more liberal "not compassionate" or the like. "Liberal" after all comes from "liber" or liberty, which is what free societies are supposed to be based on, anyway.

A compassionate and proud liberal Canadain, who is compassionate and is moved by compassion,



yeah um anyway, i agree with the original poster. ;)

"I'm a Buddhist - In case of accident, call a Lama" (The Ninth Configuration)


I just saw this film today. I had read about it a while ago in a short blurb in People's magazine. I thought it would be an interesting film to see but never found the oppourtunity intil now. I saw it on the shelf at the library and picked it up. I was so touched by this woman's story. I especially liked the part when Brooke gives the speech at the college and talks about her mother. I have to admit that I was sobbing into my chips and dip...not a pretty picture.
