MovieChat Forums > House M.D. (2004) Discussion > What if we would have never seen a singl...

What if we would have never seen a single breakdown?

Do you think this show would have been equally good if House never went through a breakdown or never rocked bottom?

Better explained never having a side effect of his addiction. Always functioning to perfection, sure he could have had his enemies which wanted him to go Down but never getting in trouble because of the Vicodin.

Do you think the character of House would have been equally loved and interesting?

Id say YES, it would have been an even more perfect show than it already was and the character even more loved with much more young fans going to medical school because of him hehe.

The character would have become a worshiped lawed hero but what the hell they would have ignored his flaws just like with James Bond before Craig and Sherlock Holmes. Why if House is inspired in Holmes we needed to the bad effects of his addiction, we never see the side of The 1000 Martinis Bond drinks and Sherlock with his Opium is like everything is all right.

So why Shore thought it was so neccesary for House to suffer allucinations and whitdrwals for the Vicodin?
Its so unfair.


They exaggerated his withdrawal symptoms as far as I can tell... I think seeing him at rock bottom was good. A perfect character is a boring character and House's flaws are what made him such a great character.


Ok maybe not making him perfect but I don't think whitedrawls are neccesary maybe just his dislike for patients and not being a nice boss could have been enough.


The problem is once they go there with an addiction they almost have to show the side affects of it. There was a lot of push back because they inconsistencies with how the dealt with his disability and the kind of user he was. Maybe in season they could have left him "cured" but that wasn't what Shore wanted.
Shore originally wanted House in a wheelchair but the network didn't go for it so they gave him a limp and a cane instead.


I know the wheelchair thing and glad they just changed it for the limp it looks much better that way.
couldn't they just have made his dependace lighter, like sureche needed them but it wasn't such a problem. ?


They could have made his disability different . The way it was done what they took out of his thigh was quite significant. Amputation would have meant the entire leg would have to be removed. Not even a below the knee. They did that with Arizona on Grey's Anatomy and she got one the more realistic artificial legs. She struggled physically and emotionally but they let her life get back on track and make it about more that losing her leg.

I think yes they could have gone that way with House but it's interesting even if Shore was for that you would be amazed at how many fans seem to prefer a miserable House.


I know many people prfer House miserable and angry, woman even like that because they want to heal him just like Cameron

I like the way his leg pain was treated but i just wished the Drugs wouldn't have been such a big deal, like ok he takes too much Vicodin but without affecting him that much.
His mood swings for the pain and his rude treatment was more than enough to make him an interesting character we didn't need to dig that deep into his addiction


I don't like the way they equated a chemical dependency on Vicodin for long-term use to recreational drug addiction. You're going to have withdrawal from pretty much any medication if it's taken long term!


Him hitting rock bottom over and over again and going through all the lows he did were what made is character so intense and the character is one of the most interesting TV characters due in part to his acting.

They portrayed his addiction quite accurately and never overdid anything like they tend to do on shows like Grey's Anatomy.


Not so much for me.

I loved the character because of how smart he was and how honest he was. I loved his witt, how often he was right and how easy he convinced patients to get the needed treatment and sign his crazy procedures, i also loved how once in a while he connected with a few of them.

It was a nice idea he had his limp which gave him a reason to be mad and the need for the Vicodin. I also found interesting how he related his leg pain to his gift or how being miserable made him the genius he was but not his whitedrwals or rocking bottoms. I found that part boring.

You see on Youtube people making a few comments on howbthey got into med school for him, people loved to admire him and loved how he got away saying the things he did and even though his relationships failed he still was able to make women fall for him.

I could have easily go through the whole series without a single whitedrawl, they weren't that neccesary to make the character that cool and interesting.
