Chase killing Dibala

and the hospital completely covered for him..huh??


Not the hospital, only House and Foreman knew. Cameron found out but didn't turn him in before she left.


How did House know, he wasn't there when it happened and as far as i know no one told him Chase killed him intentionally.

As far as House knew Chase killed him by mistake, He didn't know Chase changed the lab results and gave him the wrong treatment on porpoise.

So it was House the one who helped Chase and Foreman with the conference for Diabala's death ?
But now that i think about it House did suspect Chase did it intentionally. He knew Chase was scared to go that room and told him to go to therapy but he said so honestly not mocking him.


House knew that Chase was responsible and that none of it was an accident.

House asked him right before him and Cameron were leaving about what she thought about him killing Dibala and how she wasn't going to get past him doing it. They had a brief conversation about it.


True, though he knew it by intuition because Chase never told him exactly what he did.
Its something House assumed happened and Chase didn't deny it, Its just crazy how House never pushed him with it, Foreman is the one who told him this would have consequences and his conscience would kill him.

House Just covered him up what a strange approach. Did House had a special preference for Chase sometimes i feel like he did.
He tormented Foreman and Masters when each one of the made a risky move.

He only told Chase to get therapy to get back to work and did treated him nicer, the only time he made him suffer is when he hired Kelly in season 7 on the Episode massage therapy. By saying ohh you hired her to sleep with her but other than that i thought House always had a soft Spot for Chace.

Maybe its Chase was like him in so many ways. Actually he avoided him to really turn into House 2.0 after the incident in nobody's fault. When Chase felt in love with the nun and told House ohh you want me to be like you House answered that he didn't want that for him. He would have never told that to Foreman or anyone else.

I don't know what it really was but Chase was clearly his favorite student.


House probably agreed with what Chase did, why would he torment him about it?

Chase is House's legacy.


I bet he did and even admired him by standing up to his beliefs that thinking he didn't do anything wrong by killing Dibala but House had fun tormenting his teammates. It was like a hobby lol. Don't get me wrong i don't think House was a bad person but he wasn't the typical paternal boss/ teacher.

He protected his teammates with really serious situations when they were in real danger but he had a lot of fun mocking them and tormenting them quite often.

Anyway agreed on the last line Chase was definitely House's legacy



Cameron didn't help him, actually she wasn't ok with killing him, she just wanted to stop treating him but with Exra Powell again got up on her high horse it was actually Chase the one who stayed there to help House, told His team get out of here so you won't have to answer anything and get freed of what im gonna do but Chase stayed with House and closed the courtains.

Chase was the most brave from the team, he was most like House.

But since Dibala Chase was the one with real guts and House did like that about him. Cameron was too close minded, its weird House wasn't that annoyed by Cameron as he was by Masters. She had the same issues with House that Cameron did.

I think Cameron was a very conflicted woman, she was in love with House and admired him but on the otger hand was always a square about her ethics just like Masters, its weird house didn't want to strangle her the same way he wanted with Masters.

Masters was a pretty good doctor but not though enough to be with House. To be on House team they needed to be though enough for the cases they got and being able to do anything without thinking much. House needed decisive teammates who wouldn't hesitate much.
House neeeded more guys like Chase, Thirteen, Bosley and Adams than Cameron, Foreman, Masters and park.though maybe it was a bit ok having one not kissing his arse or being that open minded otherwise House would have no single limits.
That's why Cuddy advised House to get Kutner and Taub.

Kutner would be like Chase that is almost like House so he would be ok with almost any procedure and no question House at all. Just going with the flow and Taub would be like Foreman the guy who would Challenge House and being more timid on what House wanted.


Cameron is the one that euthanized Ezra Powell at the end of the episode.


It's in everyone's best interests for it to be swept under the rug. If Dibala was murdered it would make him a martyr. Even his own country-men are complicit in sweeping it under the rug. They either didn't do an autopsy or they did the autopsy and covered up the results.


That's true, everyone wanted Dibala death but only Chace had the courage to kill him and everyone covered him up, that's why no one made much questions. The only one who made a fuss about it was Cameron
