MovieChat Forums > House M.D. (2004) Discussion > Top 3 favorite and least favorite regula...

Top 3 favorite and least favorite regular characters on the show

1. House
No explanation necessary other than saying that he was one of the best characters in TV history.

2. Chase
I personally thought there was so much more to his character than just a good looking guy who pulled in a lot of tail. He was not only a great doctor but I thought (unlike most characters) he had a much more diverse personality and moral code. Most of the characters were either ambivalent to rules and morality or over the top in the other direction. The episode in season 8 where he treats the nun soon after he was stabbed in the heart showed just how far his character had come over the years and how much depth there was to him.

3. Adams
I thought of all of the female characters on the show she was the best. She was motivated by a moral code much like Cameron, but wasn't ridiculous and over the top with it like she was. She was also guarded like 13 but again not over the top with it. It was like they took everything good about Cameron and 13, got rid of the annoying qualities, and made her character. I would have loved to have seen her character develop over several seasons.

1. Cuddy
Much like House I don't think I really need to explain this one. It's amazing this show was so good with a character like this as such a focal point. Her expanded role and importance to the show in seasons 5-7 is why the show went so far down hill over that span.

2. Foreman
I kind of feel like Foreman's role on the show was to be the anti-House and for the audience to have some level of dislike for him. My problem with Foreman was that he so often times seemed to just go out of his way to disagree with House and/or try to prove him wrong simply because he disagreed with methods as a doctor. He always seemed so damn serious and pissed off too. I actually liked him best in season 8 as House's boss as I felt it suited him best. I didn't actually dislike Foreman as much as I just found him to be annoying and frustrating.

3. Kutner
I almost feel like picking Kutner is complaining about vanilla ice cream. That being said, of all of House's team members over 8 seasons he was the least interesting to me. He wasn't an unlikable character, nor did his presence really impact the show one way or the other. However, whether it was Foreman, Camercon, Chase, Taub, 13, Adams, Park, etc all of these characters brought about some sort of strong opinion for me where as with Kutner I was always just thinking "meh" as it related to him.



It is really one of the greaest characters ever created: that sometimes you want to slap him and other times kiss him. Inloved his sarcastic sense of humor and him really enjoying to solve his cases.

Cuddy: i loved her banter with House and their fights at the beginning or flirts, she saved House from many stuff like the Tritter arc and Vogler.

Chase: like you said he wasn't as black and white, the way he saw the world, he could be very sweet and caring but understood when he had to some dirty work, i think that's why he was so good working with House seems like he really understood his methods and genuinely respected him without seeing him as someone who had to be saved or fixed.

When he had his bad moments with him it was like ok cool : we have our good and bad days but House was his mentor and boss and he really accepted him without false expectations.

Honorable mention: Adams for all the reasons you already mentioned. she was the perfect mix between Cameron and thirteen and even had a little of Cuddy that's why I once thought she could have been a good love interest for House.

Least favorites

I felt he was too frustrated to work for House and whined too much about his methods but ended uo copying them a lot. Hecwas always hating how the other members liked him that much, really if he was that mad he should have left from the very beginning.

Wilson: i felt he was too judgemental and preachy. Like he felt too often he was better than House and spoke too much without listening. Hatted how he treated House after Amber's death and they way saw the situation when House left Stacy.
He got really often on my nerves.

Kutner right for the same reason you mentioned. Too boring and not memorable enough.


1 - House
2 - Chase
3 - Wilson seasons 1-4

1 - Cuddy
2 - Cameron seasons 3-6
3 - Wilson season 5-8

Hello there!



#1 House
#2 Wilson
#3 Chase/Cameron/Foreman (season 1-3)

Least Favorites
#1 Cuddy
#2 Taub
#3 Kutner

The rest of the cast was just meh for me.

I love House and i love his friendship with Wilson. I love the original team and during the first 3 seasons i thought the writers gave them some good, believable stories. But the episodes focused mainly on the patient story, so the personal drama for the supporting characters was at a minimum.

I disliked cuddy from the beginning. I think i dislike Taub as much as cuddy, but he wasn't on as long, so she edges him out because i disliked her longer. Kutner was a total bore. He did not belong on the team and i found it completely unbelivable that House picked him. I also don't care for any of these actors. LE is mediocre at best, Jacobsen always plays the obnoxious schlubby guy, and there's something about Penn that i just cannot stand.

Chase and Cam got marginalized from season 4 forward and got more boring with their ongoing angsty relationship. They ruined Cameron with that horribly written exit scene/episode. Foreman became a total predictable bore after the resignation arc. He pretty much scoffed his way through the remainder of the series.

Olivia and 13 were hired for their looks. Olivia isn't really a great actress and 13 wasn't much of a doc. Certainly not for House's team. She would've made a decent clinic doc, about the level of Cuddy's medical knowledge.

Adams and Park didn't really get a chance to develop. I did like Park in the beginning. Her plainness and awkwardness were a refreshing change from all the other female characters in the series who looked like they stepped off a runway most of the time. I thought Park was the most realistic of all the fellows and i loved her developing friendship with Chase. I hated that the writers felt they couldn't just leave that alone and had to have her develop a stupid crush on him.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.
