MovieChat Forums > House M.D. (2004) Discussion > One of my favorite House/Wilson moments

One of my favorite House/Wilson moments

Dr. James Wilson: [House has a mariachi band in his office] What are you doing?

Dr. Gregory House: What does it look like I'm doing? Auditioning the band for Friday night.

Dr. James Wilson: So you're trying to ruin Cuddy's moment in the spotlight?

Dr. Gregory House: Ruin? These guys recorded with Juan Gabriel. They're gonna cost me two grand. This isn't a prank. These guys are the beginning of Cuddy's evening to remember which in turn will make my evening...

Dr. James Wilson: I think if you do this, your evening will end with you alone in your apartment with a sock.


The problem was Cuddy liked the idea when Wilson casually brought up the idea. I'm not sure a guy with three ex wives is the best source of relationship advice , especially when they haven't learned much for their troubles.

But there are a lot of great House and Wilson moments.


House: "I've been borrowing increasing amounts since you lent me $40 a year ago. Little experiment to see where you draw the line."
Wilson: "You're trying to objectively measure how much I value our friendship?"
House: "It's five grand. You've got nothing to be ashamed of."
Wilson [taking the check]: "Fine. Thanks. Now, be a grown up and either tell mommy and daddy you don't want to see them or I'm picking you up for dinner at seven."
House: "What do you mean? You just said—"
Wilson: "I lied. I've been lying to you in increasing amounts ever since I told you you looked good unshaved a year ago. It's a little experiment. You know, to see where you draw the line."

Loved that scene. :-)


Yeah that was great too. They make such a great duo.


There have been so many great House/Wilson moments... at least one per episode. One of my all time favorites was from Needle in a Haystack when House is in a wheelchair to win a bet with Cuddy to get his handicapped parking space back.

Wilson is in the men's room and House wheels himself in.

Wilson: Ah yes, if it isn’t Dr. Ironside.

House: (removing gloves) Ah, if it isn’t Dr. I-Had-No-Friends-When-I-Was-Growing-Up-So-All-I-Did-Was-Watch-TV-By-Myself-Which-Is-Why-I-Can-Now-Make-Constant-Pop-Culture-References-Which-No-One-Understands-But-Me.

Wilson: That’s my name. Don’t wear it out. (House starts to stand) Uh uh.

House: (sits back down) Safe from Cuddy but I guess not from her trusted ratcomplice.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


There is some paraphrasing but in House vs God talking about the kid and House is agitated by him tell Wilson " he figures people by watching, analyzing, deducing" Wilson answers " your worried about trademark infringement?"

Sorry I don't have the exact quote at the moment but that's pretty close.One favorites.


From Season 2, Episode 13: Skin Deep

House: Listen none of this has anything to do with Stacey.

Wilson: Right; giant coincidence that you?ve gone completely off the rails since she left; inducing migraines, worsening leg pain-- (House whacks him with his cane.) Ow!

House: Aw. You miss Stacey too?


House fixing Wilson 's coffee and making him going on speed


The episode about the carpet when House keeps using wilsons office playing with all his toys xD


One House/Wilson moment stands out as hilarious and that's when Wilson is trying to get House to his Dad's funeral and House knocks his keys down the sewer. But the clincher is when Wilson asks him to hold the flashlight while he tries to fish them out and House just very nonchalantly drops in down as well! Man that made me literally LOL!


Be not afraid. There were many such brilliant dialogues.
