MovieChat Forums > House M.D. (2004) Discussion > Anyone else highly amused by Taub?

Anyone else highly amused by Taub?

I swear to God it's rare that I get amused to the point of hysterical giggles by a TV show character.

But with Taub, I just cannot help it. He's got the most hilarious offended/busted/dismayed/irritated face in any TV show I've watched in my life. Right now I'm watching the episode where he gets billboards with his photo all around town, and each time I see that face I'm reduced to a fit of giggles to the point of sore ribs.

It also helps that he's so goofy-looking. Short, squat and slightly chubby with a huge nose. I take it this is why they chose HIM to be flashed by Thirteen. I gotta say big props to Peter Jacobson for pulling Taub off so expertly.

Just look at this!!!

And one for the road LMFAO!!!


I love the character and agree that Jacobson does a great job. But I'm probably not quite as enthusiastic as you.


He was pretty amusing. He was never my favorite but I didn't object to him either like many fans did.


I still prefer the original 3 then kutner. Taub was definitely more interesting than 13. But kal penn did an amazing job, im really sad he asked to be killed off


Kutner is the one I couldn't stand the most. I'm no fan of Kal Penn, he's just another lame comedian who thinks he's funny. He's definitely no credible actor that's for sure. I skipped Kutner's death episode because I couldn't care less why he offed himself.

Park and Masters are on the same par as him, utterly cringeworthy characters.


I agree. I don't get the appeal of Kutner as a character. I couldn't imagine why House hired him. It's not like he was that great a doctor. If anything he was a screw up.

I also don't get the appeal of Kal Penn as an actor. He's okay, but certainly not great. I find him believable as a stoner, but not much beyond that.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


I never cared for Kutner, either -- partly because Kal Penn is a mediocre actor, IMO.

I think PJ is a better actor and Taub was a better character -- when he was in the background. What bugged me was when the character and his boring personal life got center stage. We never got so much of Kutner's personal life, so the character didn't annoy me as much.


I'm in the minority of House fans that disliked Taub a great deal. He was a whiner. He felt he deserved a place on the team because he wanted it, not because he deserved it.

He complained about the "abuse" he got from House but kept coming back for it... like an abused spouse.

He was also a cheater. He cheated on his wife which cost him his job in the plastic surgery practice.

I never liked the character from the very beginning and was sorry to see that he was one of the three picked for the team. Maybe part of my dislike for the character comes from a dislike of the actor. He always plays this type of unlikable character and he's good at it, because i don't like him in anything i've seen him in.

He played a smarmy lawyer at least once on one of the Law & Order shows. I didn't like him in that either. And after House he was on another show (sorry can't remember which one) where he played a murdering pimp who also had quite an obnoxious personality.

I'd put Taub right up there (or down there as the case may be) with Cuddy as most annoying character on the show. Cuddy wins out in the end because she was in more episodes and therefore had more occasions to be annoying.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


Yeah but Cuddy was hot and sexy. That is probably why I liked her. I did also like her sassy comments to House and sometimes to her team.

Taub was annoying and Cuddy was not. House was right when saying she sits on her "well formed bureaucratic ass" and can be an annoying boss but she is great at her job.


I disagree that Cuddy wasn't annoying -- which if fine, because that's a matter of opinion, not fact. Personally, I found every character annoying from time to time ... but in later seasons, Cuddy became consistently so, to me.


I am amused when Taub gets a good thrashing from House.


I was never bothered by Kutner or Park but very annoyed by Masters.

On paper House had certain traits that would grow tired of but Hugh Laurie made House easy to take.

The rest of them were on my ish list at different time it depends on the episode and season. Cuddy I didn't mind that much until season five until she left .For me the decline in her character happened with the baby .They should have dropped that storyline.


The problem with Cuddy was that they wrote her as too one-dimensional in the first 4 seasons. So by the time they started to "flesh her out" more, noone really cared about who Cuddy was outside of the hospital.

If they focused as much on Cuddy as Cameron's irritating "code of conduct", perhaps her personal life arc wouldn't have tanked so hard. They introduced Cuddy the human being too late into the series and most viewers had already lost interest in her.


Loved Kutner, probably the only House fellow I loved to watch on the show. It's a shame it was short-lived.

I liked, Chase, Cameron, Taub, Park. I disliked Foreman, Masters, 13, and Adams.



whenever i see him in anything he has done... all i ever hear in my head is him saying "Sarcoidosis". It was more annoying that the running "Lupus" gag




I did like Taub especially when he was the punching bag in House jokes, like House texting Taub's wife in season 6 or The prank with the dead lady. His face was really funny when they were with him and he was giving them his speech on how stupid they were by not telling him.

I really loved that prank it worked so well and loved House seing him enjoying doing it and Taub saying we're goona close that page now to House no way lts pretty lucrative i want the 50 % of what you get lol


He annoyed me at first with his smugness but then his facial expressions got to me. Like that early season 4 episode where he and Foreman go to the house of a patient's friend and trick him into confessing what drugs the guy gave the patient.

"we lied"

I mean look at this face, how can you hate him?


Taub sometimes lacked sense of humor and i think that gsve him a hard time with House especially because House made his jokes look pretty real.
Anyway i was dissapointed on how anticlimactic eneded up the joke they played on Foreman i was getting so excited with it but hatted they got too scared and confessed everything they did to Cuddy. The prank was going so well it bothered me they had to suspend it
