Neptune High

Are high schools in the US really similar to Neptune High where some students come from super rich families and others are from a much lower economic background. I know in any school there is going to be a range, but that school seemed to have such a drastic range that it seems improbable. I live in the US now but didn't grow up here, so forgive me for not knowing.



No most schools in the US are not like that. I would say there are probably not any with that drastic of a range. Of course they made the point that Neptune High was like that because it was where the rich celebrities and other millionaires sent their kids, along with their employees and servants sending their kids there. The purpose was to make the show a bit noir inspired. And a big part of the noir theme is the different social classes.

To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.


That was the only part I didn't really understand. But it worked for the plot. In my hometown there were two high schools, one private and one public. So I'm basing my opinion on that.
If all these millionaires/celebs really lived in Neptune, wouldn't they have sent their kids to an elite prep school?
Ah, who knows. Maybe she explained it early on but I missed it.


In season 1, episode 2, shown on the front of school was 'Oceanside Pirates', which is the actual high school, located north of San Diego.


my school was kind of like that maybe not as crazy but some of this kids in my school had families that made 2-3 millions of dollars but some families only made 20-30 thousends.


Nope. Rich kids go to the same school as other rich kids. Poor kids have to get scholarships to attend private schools. If it's an upper class public school, poor kids do not live in those neighborhoods. Poor kids attend the same public school as other lower income kids.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.
