Rosemary love Gabe?

Hey first off just wanna say i saw this movie yesterday on skymovies and i loved it i have already ordered the dvd from I was just hoping someone could clarify something for me. Gabe loved Rosemary no question but did she feel the same. I know she cared about him and was confused but it was not completely clear to me that she would of considered him her first love. Did she feel the same way about him? did she want him to kiss her?

Peter Griffin: I have no son! Except for Stewie... and Meg


thats the problem.
We don't know how Rosemary felt about Gabe.
But considering how she let him kiss her and that she danced with him that she may like him.
But we don't know.
So yeah.

Fatties! You ate all the crunch bars!

My collection of stories...


Oh right well i reckon she did maybe not as strongly as he did for her though. Hopefully the audio commentary will clear a few things up when my dvd arrives. Thanks for replying

You wear a disguise to look like human guys.
But you're not a man, you're a chicken, Boo.


she is not sure if she loves him or not. As she told she is not ready to be in love and dont really know what she feels for him.


It's not known for sure but in MY opinion, on some level, she MIGHT have had feelings for him.


Remember when Gabe held her hand and she pulled away because Gabe's hand got really sweaty?

Afterwards, it was she who offered her hand. Not Gabe. Meaning, she wanted to hold his hand...meaning, she MIGHT have had feelings for us.
Plus all the other scenes pointed out in this thread.

It's just really sad that they couldn't be together :(( But that's what made the movie much more special.


"Remember when Gabe held her hand and she pulled away because Gabe's hand got really sweaty? "

Yup. I think that was the turning point that showed us she had feelings for him.


"she MIGHT have had feelings for US?" You putting yourself into the movie and considering yourself a part of Gabe?


The bottom line is that Gabe, due to the situation with his parents, emotionally matured quicker than Rosemary did.

It was clear she enjoyed his company, but even though socially she was more advanced, Rosemary was really still too young to recognize (let alone understand) how to love like that.

So I would say no, she wasn't capable of loving him at that point of her young life.


Yes she had feeling for him. The thing with girls though is that they dont show them as energetically as guys do - if that makes sense. Anyways, yeah, when she went back to grab his hand, that hinted that she did have romantic feelings for him. And if you pause the kiss seen right as they touch lips, you can see her eyes are closed, so she sort of expected it/like it.


Well, yes...but it's acting, and they told her to close her eyes. If she didn't know it was coming in real life, who knows?


We can see and hear most of Gabe's reactions. We don't have the same evidence for Rosemary. She wasn't passionate about Gabe. We know that. She didn't write his name all over her scribblers.

I think it is fairly obvious and we have to believe her. She does not lie. She says she's only 11 and is not sure she's ready to fall in love. He's a buddy. She really likes hanging out with him. That's it, there is no more.

You only get one of those passionate loves per lifetime. That was his. Hers is yet to come.


That's just sad. Poor Gabe got friendzoned :(

But I think the hand-holding and the smiling and stuff mostly indicates that she's doesn't know what to feel. That's not uncommon for young girls or girls of any age really. Instead, she's kinda just going with it all. She's doesn't try to sort out her feelings or rationalize anything or even put a name to it, she just does what her heart tells her to do at any given moment without thinking about it like Gabe is.

Since we never really saw enough of Rosemary's take on things, everything is really up to speculation. I like to think that she did love him in her own way. They were definitely more than friends.


I don't think either of them felt 'love'. They were far too young for such an emotion. Gabe had a crush on Rosemary and I think, in some ways, she reciprocated that and this is why she spent so much time with him over the summer. However, many girls of her age tend to have crushes on older guys because boys their own age seem so immature so I think this is why she wasn't as cut up over him.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


No, Rosemary still has to become a teenage girl. This means she will not like "nice" guys and gravitate to the "cool" guys- AKA the a-holes, abusers, druggies, etc....Then after sleeping with 5 or 6 of them, gaining a couple hundred pounds and having 2 or 3 kids by these losers-THEN she will decide "gee, Gabe was so nice and respectful to me, I should look him up so he can be a daddy to my spawn".


A classy young girl like Rosemarry would grow up to become a classy woman. Never in a million years would she date someone such as yourself.


YOu miss the was said in a lighter sense...


An ignorant comment like that should be scoffed at.


"No, Rosemary still has to become a teenage girl...."

Gee, your post says more about YOU than the topic of this thread. JMHO



yeah it really does.

"put that in your pipe and smoke it! with your burned lips!"


It was so understated, it is hard to tell if she "loved" him back. I think that is why they coined the phase "puppy love".

sirgeoffgassy, I got the joke if they didn't! Too funny! AND THESE DAYS TOO MANY AMERICAN GIRLS DO LIKE LOSERS! Sorry, but TRUE! Nice guys just don't have the suave charisma that American girls are "trained" by TV and other media to desire. Okay, that's a stereotype. But they wouldn't call it a "stereotype" IF IT WASN'T.


It's obvious that Rosemary had feelings for Gabe, but she wasn't sure she loved him.


She definitely liked him. That was clear from the way they looked at each other. She knew she liked him, because she then asked him out, and held his hand. And she was clearly nervous saying goodnight. I think she definitely considered him her "first love". I just think that she was scared because she thought it meant she was "in love", which isn't the same thing at all.


Yes, but she felt she was too young to "be in love". I think she felt the same way about Gabe that he felt about her.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


I think she had feeling for him and that showed few times,holding hands,dancing with him even saying i hate you :)
This such a sweet movie,i love it!


My English is kinda bad. So don't judge.....
okk.. lets put it this way, I think Rosemary did like Gabe. There are some evidence to prove it.

1) Remember how both of them looked at each other in that small park before that bully showed up. Then after being chased and escaping that bully, when they arrived in front of Rosemary's apartment and the way she talked to Gabe, seems like that she definitely had something more to say...

2) Rosemary invited Gabe to go to the concert. She could have invited someone else. I mean she had other friends.

3)When Gabe was holding Rosemary's hand in that concert, she took her hand away after a little while cause his hand was getting sweaty, but then she's the one who grabbed his hand. That clearly indicates that, she had some feeling for him...

4) At the end of the movie, she asked Gabe to dance with her...
