MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 3 (2007) Discussion > Guilty Pleasure of mine! Starting to rea...

Guilty Pleasure of mine! Starting to really LOVE this movie!

Don't hate on me, but Encore and Starz have been playing this a lot and I keep it on almost every time! Say what you will about its weaknesses, but I'll give it this...

-its ENTERTAINING! The dialogue borders on pure cheese, but its never BORING!
-its FUNNY! I crack up each & everytime the scene where JJ is trying to take the pills and his assistance is hitting that vibrating desk button! Don't forget the street dancing...when Peter comes out of the store in the black suit and starts this clap and pelvis movement I DIE laughing! I find myself jokingly doing this move now (did it at a wedding recently and my sister KNEW where it was from!! lol)
-the FIGHT SCENES are pretty EPIC! Dare I say, better then any fight scene in the Amazing Spider Man 2.

Its def a step down from SM 1 & 2...but I'm starting to LOVE this flick!

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!


I actually really enjoy this movie now upon rewatching it so many times after my initial viewing of it at the theater, when I was extremely disappointed. I used to hate this film, but it has really grown on me with repeat viewings. I still hate how they wasted Venom though and wish they had just set him up in this one and saved him for another film.



I know how you feel. It's grown on me a lot recently too. It's flawed but miles ahead of the horrendous TASM movies.

As far as "cheese" goes though... Is it really that much cheesier than other celebrated comic book movies? After all it doesn't feature a talking raccoon. LOL

A man walks into an Ackbar... Bartender says: It's a trap!


I honestly never hated it to begin with. I always knew it had problems, but you could tell everyone's heart was in the right place (except for the studio-suits who forced all the changes and additions), and it had a great deal of fun (and even a few breathtaking) moments that made up for the issues for me.

It's by no means a "good" movie... but to this day I will argue it's a "fun" movie.

And I do think it has a lot more going for it than most will give it credit for.

The "Birth of Sandman" is just a spellbinding sequence and it still my favorite purely visual and emotional scene in any of the films.

The goofy scene of Peter in the restaurant "rehearsing" for proposing to MJ is a ton of fun and is up there with my favorite comedic scenes in the series. (His dorky smile and self-assured chuckle when he says "How did that get in there?" still gets me practically rolling on the floor with laughter.)

The action and effects were a huge step-up and were thrilling. (The crane scene, the Peter VS Harry fight, the subway fight, etc. being great visual entertainment.)

Sam Raimi is at the top of his game visually.

The humor is ramped up and gives the film a charm that the messy story was lacking.

I just really enjoy the film. It's got nothing on the first two... but I like it. Sue me.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


This film is no guilty pleasure of mine, it is genuinely a good movie for those who have intelligence to see it.


The birth of Sandman, a very somber and quiet sequence amplified by Christopher Young's fantastic score. I thought his part in the story was great for the most part.

The first fight between Harry and Peter. This is something that's been culminating since the end of the first film and it's such a trip to see them finally face off, despite how short it lasts. Here we get to see a matured Peter battle against his best friend whose downward spiral he is partially responsible for. I only wish Harry had been the focus so we could have more.

The symbiote bonding with Peter for the first time. Yeah, the entire symbiote arc was silly and we all know the infamous dance scene, however when Peter first gets the black suit is such an exciting moment.

Spider-Man becoming publicly loved by New York. After seeing all the *beep* Peter had to go through in the last two movies, it's so satisfying to see him publicly accepted. It reminded me of the episode from The Flash where he gets the key to the city, just a nice cheesy superhero moment.

Harry and Peter teaming up. While Harry's redemption was a clunky (I don't know why Bernard waited so long to tell Harry about the glider) finally seeing these two lifelong friends come to terms in a fun action sequence where they work off each others abilities was a blast.

Harry's death. It might just be bias since I marathoned the films, but Franco and Maguire really sold this scene. You saw these two grow apart over the course of a trilogy so when they reunite and then later say goodbye it's pretty heartbreaking.
