MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 3 (2007) Discussion > Why did Raimi go full camp with this mov...

Why did Raimi go full camp with this movie?

Yes there were campy elements in the first two but he still balanced it out with drama, here it’s total camp. Also you would think the Symbiote story would have been a perfect opportunity for Raimi to show off his horror genre experience but instead he treated the whole thing as a joke


Not really, unless you class melodrama under the umbrella of camp too; there are a lot of fairly slow scenes of people talking about relationships which is not really the kind of thing I associate with camp.


There's only one campy scene: the jazz club scene


I'd argue Peter dancing down the street is campy.


Also the scene of JJ forgetting to take his meds and being reminded in the office.


Yeah. I agree.


in my opinion this is definitely the dumbest scene in the whole movie. so pointless.


It's pretty well known that Sam Raimi never liked or cared much about the Venom character in the first place. It was pretty much forced upon him by Avi Arad. So it can't be that surprising that he treated the whole thing like a joke if he wasn't completely passionate about the source material.
