MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Why won't Bailey say it was Catherine Av...

Why won't Bailey say it was Catherine Avery's idea?

"I'm not the only one."

Why is Bailey not mentioning to Weber that Catherine is the one who made this all happen? That would definitely shut Weber up and stop him from acting like an immature ass.


I assumed she meant the residents as well. These residents are in their last year, the should be doing more than observing now. Bailey was in her 4th year when the show started and she was basically doing it solo. By the original interns 3rd year they were doing more than assisting. Now that the original interns are attendings, they no longer teach.


That doesnt have anything to do with needing Mimmick Or Richard as a residency director. That has to do with the attendings and Bailey being a bad chief not telling them to allow the residents to do more solo work. They actually used to compete for the chance at solo surgeries. They dont have those storylines anymore because we only have like three residents. Who none of which have chosen a specialty.........


I took it as her not wanting to hurt Weber. It would hurt him so much worse knowing it was his own wife who did this.


I've gotten sick of Bailey. There's a better way to transition than this.


If it's anyone that needs to be forced to shut up and kicked out of her position it's definitely Bailey.

I have to believe that Catherine is going to lay all the blame on Bailey, though, because that's just who she is.


It's looking that way.
