I consider my squeamishness next to zero, as I guess everyone else who is an avid watcher of medical dramas, however, I did get a bit disturbed by the big-screen detail of DeLuca's eye surgery. There was a bit where Meredith was chatting to Webber and a screen with the eye was popping out at the corner and I had to try really hard not to get distracted. Was there too much eye-poking in this episode or have I just discovered an exception to my non-squeamishness?



Anything involving the eye freaks me out. I hate going to the eye doctor. I can't stand seeing someone put in contacts. So, yeah, all the eye...yikes.


Me, too!


I watched a movie years ago - I can't remember the name off hand - and there was a scene where they were using a needle to inject something into someone's eye. It was so realistic. I can watch any horror movie, but anything involving the eye and someone throwing up and I'm out of there.


I don't get squeamish either, I actually find any and all things medical quite fascinating....except the eye.

I have no problem putting contacts in. But the thought of getting lasik makes me sick to my stomach. I watched a video of how they do it high school and college and I said never would I do that. Being wide wake with my eye propped open while they come at me with huge needles and scalpels.

F that. LOL!


Haha! This one didn't bother me but your post reminded me of one that did- remember that kid George O'Malley brought into the OR when Erica Hahn was there and it was supposed to be a simple procedure but George accidentally took him into a different surgery? The dude's face was peeled back and his eye balls and everything else were exposed. My stomach turned.


That grossed me out, too. The only other time I've really gotten grossed out by this show is the episode with the man covered in warts (I think?), when the spider came out of him while he was in surgery... Bleh


i remember seeing an episode of ER when i was like seven or eight years old and this man came in with an eye injury and his eye began to swell and it eventually burst. that scarred me for many, many years. last night, as soon as they mentioned his eye swelling, it took me back to that. i had to watch those scenes through my fingers "just in case" of his eye exploding like in that episode of ER.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."


What about the morbidly obese man who came in and had maggots in one of his fat rolls?? God, I think I just threw up a little...


I think you mixed up two different cases.

The one with the obese man was episode "How Insensitive" in Season 6. The man only had a nasty infection under his fat roll. Also his feet broke when he tried to walk and he almost started to roll.

The maggot case was in "Thriller", if I'm not mistaken (Season 10). It was an old lady who had some kind of arm injury, but was afraid of hospitals, so she didn't get it treated. It became so infected, that maggots had appeared in it.


Omg, the man with the warts still freaks me out to this day. lol Gross

Didn't you F her BF when you two were BFFs?


I'm always, always squeamish about eyes. Oddly, this is from me because I have to apply gel directly on my eyeballs at times.

It reminded me of another surgery that gets me even more than this one. Julia (Mark's girlfriend) removed a shard of glass from a girl's eye. It was wedged in deep and there was a closeup of Julia slowly pulling the glass from the eyeball. Mark sutured it afterwards. It was too much eye!


I just noticed for the promo next week that Deluca is almost completely healed compared to the state he was in when he first came in. Geezus.


Also, the episode where Derek pulled a pencil out of a student's eye!

Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus


It probably wouldn't have bothered me much but I'm about to get cataract surgery myself - AAGGHH! I'm already nervous about it but this reminded me that they put one of those clamps on your eye to hold it open. You know, like in "A Clockwork Orange."
