MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Maggie: "I am your sister!" How annoying...

Maggie: "I am your sister!" How annoying.

Yeah you are for two years! Alex and Mer have known each other for 12 freaking years!! You can't understand their relationship or what they've been through together, they've basically grown together. Maggie got on my nerves last episode. Any thoughts?


Maggie is such a baby. I get that she's supposed to be younger but she's not like twelve anymore. She acted like a whiny baby all night and Mer isn't helping by babying her and hiding her true feelings from her.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."


She may be your sister, but Alex is family. Don't expect her to choose you over him. I'm surprised that she didn't stand up to Maggie more telling her that. Alex did when Jo confronted him over his friendship with Meredith and he basically said Mer was more important, which I felt was a little harsh


They've lost everyone. They were basically orphans and made a family from their little group. Everyone in their group is gone, and it's just them. They banded together and would honestly die for each other. Their love runs deeper than most love on this show. Mer will always, always choose Alex. And Alex will always, always choose Mer. To ask them not to is a bit cruel and selfish.

Mer has done so much for Maggie. She is letting her live in her home, took her in, and adopted her without much question. But Maggie needs to realize that while Alex is not blood, he's more family than anyone else Mer has.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."


You're exactly right. I have never really liked Maggie but last week she just came across as a childish, whiny, self-centered bìtch. I wish shonda would realize the majority of the audience will never buy Maggie as a close member of the group and send her packing.


Like maybe if she were ten years younger than the age she's supposed to be, I'd get that. She was ahead for her age and always pushed into upper classes with older students. She said last year I think about how out of place she always felt because of that, and how she never fit in with anyone. Well, okay that's all well and good if you were like 20 working with doctors in their late 30s. But she's in her 30s now right and working with doctors in their 30s and 40s. She needs to grow up by now. It seems like she's been coddled so much and the way Shondra keeps writing her and her story lines, she's still being coddled.

I want her to walk in on Mer sleeping with the guy she likes. I want it to be like a slap in the face because maybe then she'll wake up and realize that the world doesn't revolve around her and no one has to baby her.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."


I agree with you. I know Maggie is supposed to be emotionally immature due to being a child prodigy, but I think she tries entirely too hard with wanting to make a lovey-dovey, warm and fuzzy family with Meredith. Why doesn't she put the same effort into getting to know Webber?

I'm hoping the conflict with Maggie liking Nathan will force Maggie to move out of Meredith's house. I have a feeling Maggie will learn from Nathan about his feelings for Meredith and Maggie will blame Meredith; although, Meredith is trying to do the right thing for Maggie's junior high crush. I just can't get on board with Maggie.


I think Meredith needs to come clean with both of them. She needs to tell Maggie she and Riggs already hooked up before she knew of Maggie's feelings for him and tell Riggs Maggie's feelings for him. Maybe try to stay away for awhile and the finally says just because you are you sister, doesn't mean I should give up my love life for you, but Instead they have Maggie asking Mer never to lie to her again, so she will either catch them in the throat, or overhear them talking. She should move in with AZ or get her own place, then grow up or leave town


Also, I thought about the writers dragging it along to see how Owen is going to react. I'm curious what he's going to say about Meredith and Nathan.

DeLuca is living with Arizona. I know there will be conflict with Alex and Andrew when she returns. I'll bet Maggie will force herself into Amelia and Owen's. She won't care they are newlyweds.

I'm so tired of all the love triangles, but welcome to Grey's Anatomy! LOLOL


But who knows what Delucca will do once he leaves the hospital, especially if AZ is by Alex side


Ohhh, I didn't even think about the turmoil with Arizona/deluca/karev since deluca lives with her but Alex is her mentee/close friend. That could be interesting. I just hope they don't drag this story out all season, but I'm guessing it'll last till winter finale at least.


OH SNAP! I forgot about that completely!!

I really, really don't want it to drag on much at all. because if they drag it on, it'll get very boring very quickly.

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I'm replying here because it is the last post of our convo, but I'm talking to all three of you.

To throw something else into the mix, what if Alex is released on bail? Where is he going to stay? Will Jo move in with Stephanie so Alex can stay in the loft? Will this be Maggie's perfect excuse to move out if Meredith insists Alex stay with them? Will Maggie and DeLuca move in together?

I think Arizona is going to get caught in the middle of the Alex and Andrew situation.


Ooh good point!

Mer will insist he stay with her regardless if he could very well stay in the loft. I can see her insisting upon it pretty strongly. Hopefully that'll be last straw for Maggie and she will move out then. Maybe it'll give Mer a chance to tell Maggie the same thing that Alex told Jo - about how when it comes down to it, they will always choose each other and to either accept that or move on.

Maggie tries so hard to fit in with their little group, but she just doesn't. Yet she expects Mer to treat her with the same loyalty as someone who has always been there, has always sacrificed for her, etc.

I am still very curious about the Arizona aspect. Who will she side with? She knows Alex so well and knows about his temperament, etc. Deluca is pretty unfortgetable to me, so I forget if he's very close to her. I can really see Arizona siding with Alex (but still wanting to smack him for being an idiot) unless there's a friendship with Deluca I'm forgetting.

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


Deluca helped Arizona in her custody case. It's going to be hard for her to make a choice I think.


then grow up or leave town

she could even take jo with her lol two birds with one stone, so to speak!

in all honesty, i think she COULD have been a very strong, likable character just as Jo COULD have been a very strong, likeable character. but the writing of these two just make them very unlikable to me. i couldn't help but cringe the entire time that maggie was following riggs around telling him all about how she'd be okay with dating a coworker.

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


That would require mer to be HONEST something she CLEARLY can't do


I like Maggie, but even I was pissed with her demanding Meredith be loyal to her over Alex. Yes, they are sisters and with time, they will hopeful grow closer, but there is a world of history Alex and Meredith share that Maggie doesn't know about - George, Izzie, Izzie and Denny, Cristina leaving, the shooting, Meredith's mother, her relationship with her father, Lexie and Mark, Addison and Derek at the beginning.


I think it goes to show how self-centered she is. To her, that world doesn't exist because she's not in it. She can't understand Mer's long-time bond with Alex because to her, Alex is just some guy they work with. She has a problem with seeing people through her own eyes and not empathizing with how other people see things. Alex - to Meredith - is a good friend, a family member, someone who she'd take a bullet for; they've seen trauma together, they helped each other pick up their broken pieces and glue each other back together. Alex - to Maggie - is someone they work with and nothing really more than that. So it's hard for her to see him as being more than that to Meredith.

I think that's why it's always so confusing to her that Meredith would pick Alex and support Alex.

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


She also didn't understand Mer and Christina. Feeling slighted because even though Christina was leaving, she was already the Fellow and should be the boss. Let Christina have her final patient. Doesn't understand Christina and Meredith soul mate thing. Meredith not only would be more loyal to Alex, but probably, Bailey, and Owen too, before Maggie


Maggie should have known that Mer would protect Alex. She should understand their bond.


Newsflash, Maggie: you're not Meredith's sister and you'll never be.
Meredith only has 2 sisters: Lexie, who is dead, and Cristina, who's in Europe. That's it.


Maggie gets on my nerves too! Like have you never heard of keeping a secret for a friend?!?! Also everyone acting like Meredith had known for days and was keeping it from everybody! Like people it was a few hours and she was trying to get Alex to figure out everything before running her mouth! Bailey and Maggie needed to give her a break... she did eventually come forward and report it after giving Alex time to talk to DeLuca first, that is what friends do!!


It's kind of silly. Not only is she ignoring that Alex is Mer's person, but also she and DeLuca are broken up. MAYBE if they were still a couple, makes more sense for her to be angry.
