MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Something that bothers me

Something that bothers me

Why is it so important that Meredith and Alex end up together with each other or anyone else? Why does the ultimate message have to be that you are nothing unless you have a partner? It seems to be the only message in all media, that men and women are not complete unless they have someone who loves them. They're both accomplished in their careers, have many close friends and Meredith has a family of her own. Why can't that be enough?


well, they aren't together and we don't know that they will or won't end up together in the future so i'm sorry if don't quite get the point of this question. i think the importance they're showing is that mer and alex are each other's family. they were both orphans and made a little family out of their friends group all those years ago. things have happened, people have died, friends have moved on and left, but they have stayed. it's natural for them to lean on each other even more now than ever.

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


Neither Alex nor Meredith is an orphan.


I think that the OP sense of the word Orphan is that their parents abandoned them. Thatcher left, as Derek said to Mark, wasn't man enough to stick around. Ellis was never emotionally there for Meredith. Told her she was ordinary, then when she developed Alzheimer's Meredith had to take over her care and make decisions. As for Alex, his father left, beat up on his kids. His mother was Schizophrenic, was unable to care for herself or her kids. Alex told his father when he was in the hospital that he (Alex) was the dad. He was the one taking care of his mom, Aaron and his sister. And he got shuffled around several foster homes. Neither had a stable childhood, Just because a parent is present or alive, does not mean they are there for you. They didn't have a loving upbringing, so they had to fend for themselves


Well, first of all, it's a natural instinct.

Secondly, even withing the tiny universe of Grey's Anatomy, there is evidence that 'coupledom' is not the be all and end all (Christina Yang, for instance. Erica Hahn, for another...)


I have said that for the past year and a half since Derek died every time someone says "who will mer's new love interest be". Why does mer have a love interest at all? Why is it so bad to show a strong independent woman that doesn't need a man?


I like their friendship too much for Shonda to ruin them. That said, I don't like Riggs, they are trying to turn him into Derek 2.0 and the Maggie thing too. But when the show ends, I could see him being for her in the end. They are the only ones who know each other truly since Derek died (other than Christina) So when the show ends, give them half a season or have them friends who support each other in the end


I don't know when it became a thing to want Meredith and Alex to get together, but I don't like it. They're wonderful as friends. It would be super weird for them to date.

What the hell is a Stiles?
