twin towers

I considered the use of the twin towers to be insensitive and disrespectful. I'd be interested to know how others reacted.




On TBS they removed that part.


I'm with you. Very distasteful. Yet this movie was somewhat distasteful anyway

Its LeviOsa, not levioSA!


I didn't really get that part. So they're saying the shadow of the plane foresaw those deaths? Well duh! That's not foreshadowing future events, that's a shadow of a plane which is about to crash into a building - of course it's gonna be there!


They were basically just showing the belief that deaths can be forshadowed, and they used real examples to do that. Some people actually though that 9/11 was forshadowed in other ways (including a throw away scene in The Simpsons, of all things). I think they based the plane photo on a real photo, but the real one had a devil in it or something, but they made it more direct, and had one with a plane.

And it wasn't a shadow of a plane about to crash into the tower, it's supposed to be a picture before 9/11 took place.

And I don't think it was meant to be offensive or in bad taste, they were just using real events as examples of how death can be foreshadowed. I understand completely that 9/11 is a sensetive issue, but it wasn't like making a joke about it or anything or glorifying it.


It's a horror movie stupid


yeah it is just a movie and i did not find twin towers scene to be disrespectful in any way,could have been better.


Just that? Not the photo of Lincoln?
