MovieChat Forums > Pledge This! (2007) Discussion > Hate Paris but she shouldn't be getting ...

Hate Paris but she shouldn't be getting sued for this

I think it's just ridiculous that she's being sued for allegedly not promoting the film THAT'S the reason why the movie flopped.


I know, hey? I didn't even have to see this movie to know that it was going to be a piece of crap. The trailer was quite sufficient. Not Paris' fault and if the judge watches the movie (which I suspect (s)he will be forced to) (s)he will understand completely :P


Do you guys understand the concept of marketing?
You can spend $500grand making a movie and turn around and spend $10 million
marketing it.

Getting a celeb in your movie that can actually get on shows like Letterman,
Tonight show, today show...etc is HUGE.

No doubt that is why the producers of this movie hired her in the first place.
PURELY for the marketing that she could bring to the film.

They feel she didnt do a good enough job at what they brought her onboard
for. It will be the court to decide that.

BUT, movies like Transformers 2 get those kinda numbers at the box office
for one reason. HUGEEEEEEEE marketing plans.


I agree. She obviously was brought on to promote the movie using her celebrity status. If it was in her contract that she do some sort of promoting that she didn't they should be able to easily win this, but probably wont ... because she's a celebrity. I hope they end up winning and recoup all their losses from the production of the movie ...

I know the movie was horrible (from what I've read only. I didn't see it) but obviously it doesn't matter how well a movie is produced or how well the story is written. The success of any movie truly does depend on the marketing.

Seeing as how I hear about Paris Hilton ALL the time and have never heard about this movie (which she stared in) she obviously didn't promote it all that much.

So, I can see where/why these people feel they have a considerable case against her.


Are you surprised she didn't tell everyone about it?? After shooting this movie, as tacky as she is, she probably wanted to rid herself from the memory of such a shameful experience, like washing away the sweaty filth from a bad one-night-stand.


I remember hearing Paris talk about this many times, so I'm not sure what her "lack of promotion" has to do with anything. I'm sure she promoted it fine. It's not up to her to book interviews with Letterman, it's the production company/her manager's job or something. I'm willing to bet she did exactly what she was told, and absolutely nothing more.


Personally, I also loathe Hilton, but her being sued for the failure of this movie is a symptom of everything that's corrupt and disfuntional about the Western world these days.

What you've basically got here is a lot of hollywood idiots who's big dream of making a ton of cash from a sh*te film was taken away from them. So after having a bit of cry they decide to do the next most pussy-ish thing they can think of: pick a rich scapegoat and take it to court.

You can't just send her a bill for what you hoped the film would make. Surely one of these morons must have realised that having a ballbag like Hilton endorse something is likely to turn off about 85% of the global population.

Up your Hollywood.

'Put your pants on kid, so I can kick your ass.'


A crappy actress does a crappy job promoting a crappy movie, so she should be sued.
I have a better idea. How about National Lampoon put down their crack pipes AND WRITE A BETTER SCRIPT! It has been a long time since they have bothered to make a movie of any quality. Anyone see "Lost Reality"? That crap was worse than "Pledge This!" by a mile.

Sincerely, yahmez the mad.


There is no National Lampoon and there hasn't been one for a long time. Some holding company owns the rights to the brand name and sells it to anyone willing to pay the fee.


I am shocked that Paris "would not" promote it more, that is not like her.

It's jUsT LiKe cAbO


I would choose another star over Paris to have marketing success. Casting Paris only lowers the success

