nude scenes/hot scenes

Is there any sexy hot scenes in this one???
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.




of course there is nude in the movie. According to MPAA:
Rated R for pervasive strong crude and >>> sexual content, >>> nudity, language and some drug material.

Now i'm not sure if there is guys or girls in nude.. hopefully it is only hot young girls in there nude.. and thats it..


There are nude scenes, except every girl that takes her top off has really, really fake tits. And it's funny because earlier in the movie they make fun of how awful the scars look on this old mom with fake tits, except the movie is FULL OF FAKE TITS. *beep* this movie. Don't watch it. Ever. I mean if you were watching just to see some boobs and ignore the plot, don't. Because everything is so bad about this movie, even the tits. Like how can you screw THAT up?

This is really only all we have: daytime, twilight, pitch black, night light


I saw 14 different pairs of good, fake tits. Still nice though.
