MovieChat Forums > Pledge This! (2007) Discussion > Bring back those good ol' 70's!!!!

Bring back those good ol' 70's!!!!

From reading this board, it wouyld appear that a lotta folks (we know who) woulda been a lot more happy with this film, crappy as it is, if there had just been more good gratuitous female nudity. Sorry folks, that kinda thing went out in the 70's (See "Invasion of the Bee Girls"). No, the only gratuitous nudity THESE days is from dorky,fat, guys with 2-inch mushroom caps that NOBODY wants to see nude! Female nudity sure saved a LOT of 70's films. Besides, how can you have a pie fight like in this movie and Paris Hilton DOESN'T get it?? Missed the boat on so MANY levels!
